Temperature in sauna

Question regarding solution for checking temp in a sauna… I plan on having a Fibaro smart implant and a ds18b20 cable…

Is there anything else to be aware of or should this simply work?

Don’t forget a stable power supply.


Connect first the DS18B20 and only then include the smart implant into Homey.
Else, external temperature will not be shown.


Any advice on what power supply to buy?

Does smart implant support those high temp ?

The value you mean, or the room temp? Keep the unit outside the cabin I think.

(I just found it on the internet, have a go yourself, cool stuff :wink: )

One note, keep the sensor of the wall couple of centimeters. I’ve been using RuuviTag for years now in the sauna and it handles quite nicely the ~60 degrees.

Implant itself - i think not. So, just keep is outside of hot room :wink:
The temperature sensor - different sources telling max temp 125…126 by Celsius. So, in principles yes, it can handle “average south-european sauna” (in northen part there may be little bit hotter temps in use - sorry for bulling)
But, does You really need an implant?!? There is more such temp-cappable devices on market. May-be something bundled with switch (and also power supply)?

It needs a fix voltage power supply.
Some LED power supplies have variable voltage. It is not good for SI.
Any other solution with DC between 9 and 30 Volts are OK.
It needs about less then 0,5A at 12V so you do not need a big one. I usually use 1A.


Do you use the Ruuvi Pro Tag ?
It works till ~85 dregrees.
But wanna be sure can connect with Homey.

Hi all, accidently run into this topic.

I have a solution that works even above 100 degrees Celsius.

Outside I have a Smart Implant, from Fibaro, and a simple small travo (fe https://www.allekabels.nl/verlichting-transformator/1024/1282073/transformator-led-verlichting.html?mc=nl-nl&gclid=Cj0KCQiAwbitBhDIARIsABfFYILRbljzi-OUV5WP8cT63D5WuyKO7zsitnfIJ3YXBJhaXrhrnZtBAhIaAtVxEALw_wcB), which transforms 220 to the lower needed 12 V.

Inside I have a regular temp-sensor ( FIBARO Temperatuur Sensor Ds18b20wtp), that can be connected to the smart implant.

The flows I built give me warnings and messages every change around de 70, 80, 90 and 100 Degrees C. Even with an indication that temp is dropping or rising :slight_smile: Works for years now!