TADO smart AC Control - status indicator

Hi, using TADO AC smart controller.
Icon in Homey APP shows target temperature in which I last one setup.
Is there any possibility that the icon in Homey APP show:
(a) ? status of AC - heating, colling, off… and/or
(b) ? actual temperature in room ?
Thanks a lot

Homey tiles still only show numeric values by default, but I’ve read about plans to add string values as well soon™;
But, with a bit of effort, you can create an advanced virtual device, which CAN show string (text) values.

No, devices with class ‘Thermostat’ show the target temperature as fixed status indicator.
But, with a bit of effort, you can create an advanced virtual device, which shows both target and room temperature.

Adv virtual device setting:


(I used a ‘M’ for Measured temperature)

Device tile:

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