
My admin account has full control over my NAS but since i do not know how to disable the 2FA verification i can’t test the login procedure.

I saw today that the Synology app was updated but unfortunately still no luck.

*Edit: i managed to get it working. I restarted the app and created a separate group for my Homey user on my Synology (which i’ve created a couple of weeks ago, without any luck during login). No idea what made the difference

Did you manage to get it working with a non-admin account? If so, which permissions did you give your user?
I would really like to use the app but handing over admin account details is against my nature…

Finally managed to install the app. User does not need NAS admin credentials, but connection is only possible via http (not https).
Would be nice to give a little feedback on the installation page besides “saved!” for easier troubleshooting.

Good to hear. Wasn’t able to reply sooner with some screenshots.

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Had the same problem is many others that nothing happend after hitting save.
And like Jo_San i had to use the http port

I’ve added my camera but start of a flow when camera recording starts isn’t working. Surveillance Station is in standby modus during the night thus will start recording when movement has been detected by the motion detection of my Reolink camera (C1). Flow never starts so it seems the ‘Recording Starts’-card isn’t working as it should.

Hi, sorry to highjack this topic, thought it would be better than to create a new synology post

The synology is really good at picking up movement alerts from the camera, it would be really great if we could add it to the Triggers of the synology app

Also great to have would be to be able to influence the home/away mode from the synology through a push from homey
like if homey away or alarm armed, then synology camera mode set to away
PS: an official synology app forum thread would be great to have!

Hi, for those wanting to integrate synology camera movement alerts into homey
here is the answer found by @Joel_Van_der_Kuur