Support in advanced flow for lite and "helderheid" / flow not working

I’m trying to setup this flow for a lite in the hallway, but do not get the variables and Better Logic to work propably. Any advise and tips are welcome!

Welcome Tiasco!

What exactly is not working properly? Could you explain that in more detail?
Could you explain in detail what is your goal with these flows?
When or under what conditions is the Better Logic variable “Dagdeel” switched between “Overdag” and “Night Y/N”? And why do you use the Better Logic app for this at all?

Thank you Dirk! What actually my goal is the following:

  • If the movement of the motion sensor is active,
  • when the “helderheid” is less then a certain value put the lightneed on ‘Yes’
  • when the “helderheid” is above a certain value put the lightneed on “No”
  • when it is a certain moment of the day (dagdeel = night or dagdeel = day) look at the need
  • and then when it is a timeframe between morning and late afternoon - look at the need and put the light on a certain % level On
  • during 30 seconds -when there is no more movement from the sensor- turn the light “Of”
    I hope this help the goal of the flow

When you run the flow yourself, you can see where it is running and where it is stopping. Could you have it visual for yourself where the flow is stopping?

Because dagdeel is now unkown for us. I expect it is going wrong arround that place, but I am not sure.

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Yes, I can see it run all the time to “no”, even when dagdeel is “nacht” at the moment.
For the Better Logic I’ve setup the following values, perhaps the “dagdeel” in this one is not correct?

Also it is wiered that the “lichtbehoefte” at the moment is more then 50, see the need should be “no”. But in the flow I can see it triggers on “yes”…??

Unfortunately, you haven’t explained what is not working properly.
And like @sschot, we know/understand the difference of the dagdeel variable.
What means Nacht J/N and what means Overdag?
When Nacht J/N is = N, then it’s Overdag, isn’t it?

You also need to build flows to change boolean Better Logic variables to switch between “false” and “true”.
I don’t use the BL App, but what means variable type “trigger” and when will this variable be triggerd?

However here are first suggestions to simplify the first flow:

If luminance changed, and luminance IS > 50 (blue line) then set Lichtbehoefte to No
If luminance changed, and luminance is NOT > 50 (orange line) then set Lichtbehoefte to Yes

However, the following two flows are better and more resource-efficient because they are not triggered as often as the above flow:

If luminance becomes > 50, then set Lichtbehoefte to No
If luminance becomes < 50, then set Lichtbehoefte to Yes

I do not fully understand your logic for it is day or it is night and what you exactly want

Maybe this basic chart is more easy to use instead of your build system


Please run/test the first flow also, that the variable “lichtbehoefte” will be set to the right result.

first flow is working ok. Now it is 23Lx and when I changed the value to 20 and 21 it shows the right trigger:

And I’m also not familiar with the BL app, hence asking the expertise here on the forum :wink:
If it is night it should not be Overdag, that’s correct.

The flow you described to make it more efficient is not working, as it only triggers and works when the variable has hit the number mentioned

So first step is ok.
What happend when you now do run the second step?

And how do change the variables you have made in the BL app? That is for me right now still unclear. When you not “set” the value, there will never be a change of action

Of course does the flow work, believe me. And of course the variable should only be changed if the value goes above or below 50 lx.

So why do you want to use the BL app? I’m sure that your needs can be done with the build in logic features.

Once again, you didn’t answer questions from Steven and me. How are we supposed to help you then?

to answer the question to Steven: I did run the second flow and it doesn’t look correctly to the “lichtbehoefte”. It now always answers with ‘No’. Very strange.
And I used the advice of you both to change the BL to the standard logics.
Do have now the following:

And Dirk, not sure what question you still have and I didn’t answered?
I did run the first flow as well and then the second, does not worked.

When you check the first flow, do you see it is setting the lichtbehoefte to yes or to no, depending on the available light?

You can check your variable

When this value is changing, it should also change the flow. So please check if you are able to see the var change from value.

For quick try and error, you can just change the card to the opposite, with the function “omkeren”


And with yes and no I am not sure, if this text, value or number. Perhaps that is making some additional trouble. But test and check to be sure the VAR is doing exactly what you want.

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created var test
set to yes manual

run flow
stay yes
change flow
change to no


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and working either

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Are you using the Aqara motionsensor?

Because the lux-changes are not send instantly, but every now and then. Which can result in strange behavior of the flow.

Today the lightsensor in the motionsensorupdated its value to Homey only 5 times.

Big difference with the stand-alone Aqara lightsensor:

My motion sensors (Aqara P1) update the luminance value (lux) only when sensing motion. So I cannot use the luminance sensor for measuring the lux at any given point in time.

Something similar might also apply to the above case. Based on the icon in the flow cards, the motion sensor does not seem to be an Aqara (those have a blue icon in the cards).

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It gets sent along with a motion event, to be precise :wink:

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We, @sschot and I, asked several times how the variables of the BL app are changed. You haven’t answered that yet. But oc, if you use the build-in “It’s daytime” flow card now, the BL variable Dagdeel may be not needed anymore.