Support for Danalock V3 Zigbee?

Anyone tried to get danalock V3 zigbee working with Homey?

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I did, and it does not work. Terrible. I bought a Veraplus controller. Not working with Danalock V3 zigbee, so I resend it. Now I have Homey V2 . The lock isn’t recognized by Homey.
I think we have to wait

Sorry I am new here. How do I make a request ?

Did anyone post a request? Zigbee version should be quite common

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I just submitted the request for ZigBee version but have some doubts it will get ever implemented as there are request already from 2018 to add it.
Just wondering, is there some “easy” way to accomplish this myself ? I can pair DANALOCK v3 ZigBee successfully as generic ZigBee device.

I also submitted a request some months ago and I very interested in having the Zigbee support. Does anyone have experience in how long such a request normally takes to process?

As there is already support for the Z-Wave version, isn’t it a bit easier to also do it for the Zigbee version?

  1. It varies between sometimes and never ;-(
    Now seriously - we never know what ever pass to the dev. roadmap - so please refer to 1. ;-(

I bought in the meantime ZWave version instead.

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I have sent a request to Homey about adding the zigbee verson, but i got a mail back to contact Danaloc and ask them to add it to Athom homeys open sorce program. so i did that to, awaitng answer from Danalock.
athom Homey support that if more people submit this request to danalock support the faster it goes.

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Danalock is very…not agile let’s say, in terms of development :frowning:

I have news. I asked danalock and I got these answers:

Q: “Could you please add the ZigBee version to the open source program for homey. Currently only Z-wave is supported :(”

A: “ZigBee integration with Homey is already in progress :-)”

Q: “This is awesome. Do you guys have some kind of ETA?
I know there has been many in the Homey community looking for this.”

A: “Sorry, don’t know how long time the integration process will be, but we hope it will be ready within 2-3 months.”

I’m surprised how fast support answered me, just took a few days and I had those emails.


Ant News on this?

Is there some news?

Please contact Athom Support…

I’ve contacted Homey support with the same question. This was the reply by Homey support:

“Thank you for reaching out to our support with your question about Danalocks.

At this time we indeed only support the Z-Wave version of the Danalock and although we are always looking for ways to support new devices, support for the Zigbee version of the Danalock V3 is not something I can guarantee in the near future, nor do I think it is likely to happen.

I have added your request for support for support for this device to our internal list where a number of other Homey users have also already asked for this device. I can’t however give you any guarantees on if and when the Zigbee version will be implemented, due to the already quite extensive roadmap on development layed out for us.

If you want to stay posted on our software updates, make sure to subscribe to our newsletter.

I trust that this answers your question, which is why I’m closing your ticket. If you need additional support, please feel free to re-open your ticket by answering this email.

I wish you a great day and a lot of fun with Homey!”

Looks like I’m going to return my lock and order the z wave version.

More then year ago I got the same answer…and year ago I decided to do the same - switched to ZWave.

Surprise, surprise - Danalock App for Homey | Homey

Version 2.3.0 — Add support for the Danalock V3 Zigbee.

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Thank you. but i sold my zigbee and baught a z-wave