Storing energy data

I would like to setup a system on which i can store my energy data in a database (thinking about mysql, influxdb, prometheus, etc…) and on which i can show the data in graphs (eg with grafana). Preferably i would like to put the database on the google cloud…if possible
For the above i would like to have your advise on what to choose for this?
Thanks in advance !

Interesting topic:

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Here is an example for writing values via flow into a database. If mySQL makes sende depends on the way you want to visualize the data.
As small version you could use MS Excel with a mySQL ODBC addon. Then you can create Pivot tables and charts.

Thanks Peter and Ronny for your help !

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I have set up a dedicated InfluxDB + Grafana server (Debian) which is also accessible from the internet. InfluxDB runs with 2 databases, first DB is old data from my HomeAssistant system that I don’t use anymore, but of which I still have the data. Second DB is my Homey Pro data. Both combined in one graph each to have data continuity.

So in my case, InfluxDB app (Homey) => Grafana.

Hereunder a screenshot, it does everything that Insights is missing and it’s rather simple to setup.