[APP][PRO] MySQL-Client


    Select one value from your database in the THEN part of your flow:
    Use the flow trigger in the IF part of your flow to receive the first value of the result.
    You can use the Query-ID used in the SELECT above to filter your flow (react only on this kind of query).
    Use the value in your flow. Take a look at the local flow tags you can use:
    Use the first valus as number or text, write the complete JSON result to the timeline or what ever you need :slight_smile:

    Insert a line into your database. This way you can periodically log capabilities.
    Use a trigger to execute the query:
    Insert your query and use global tokens or the date variable. This way it’s possible to log a daily sum at a new day using the date of yesterday:
    If needed you can print your result in the timeline:

  • Combining SELECT & INSERT
    If you have only a meter capability and want to log the hourly usage, you can first select the last meter value from your database and insert a new line with meter and calculated usage value.
    1st: SELECT the last value.
    Start the flow every hour. Set a Query ID to be able to react in a trigger only on that selection. Read the newest value from meter column.

    2nd: Use this value in a second flow to insert a new line:
    Use the Query ID as filter for the flow trigger. Insert a line with date/time, the calculated difference (current meter minus flow token containing the result of your SELECT) and the new meter value.