I’m trying to log (Simple LOG) some text and the current date and time. Using Homey’s own date-variable is not an option as it is formatted in a way I don’t like.
I’ve tried things like {{date.Now()}} but it will only output {{date.Now()}}.
I needed customisable timestamp tokens for saving (image)files through the ftp client app.
And BL already has functionality for this build in, so i wanted to extend on that.
You cannot yet put this datetime into a variable directly.
I’m getting to that, working on it, but implementing it in an awesome takes some time.
What i did is create a flowcard that returns a tag/token.
Just run the card with the format you want (Months are capitol MM) and it will return a token:
More coming, but this was the fastest way to implement something and i am sure people will use this card (i will), so i started with this one.
And it’s handy to not need a variable, you can use this card in the scope of the flow.
But, more (ways) coming to manage this into variables.
And to get “yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss”, just type it in the field (and then select it from the top of the list).