So I purchased a SR-201ethernet relay. I’m currently using a Fibaro Z-wave switch but sometimes takes like 5 -10 seconds to receive a signal (which is long if you’re waiting at your gate). So time to switch to an ethernet based relay.
So unpacked, configured and this thing works… with the provided software. I am stuck at the point where I need Homey to be able to send the command 11* via TCP over port 6722 to open or close the relay. Anyone able to help me out? I have a Python script that works, but understand that a Python script does not work in Homey (or I figure it must be way easier for someone experience with Homey to point me in the right direction to where I can “fire” the command over TCP (Raw I believe) + port to an IP of my choice).
Thanks Robert, let me start by saying I appreciate what you’re doing for the Homey community. You’ve been a lifesaver more than once for me. Anyway how I can buy you a beer (link to Paypal or something) or show my appreciation?
Do you know a way to create an app to setup the TCP socket? I’m a bit rusty on developing but can built something if I receive a bit of guidance on the basics on Homey script (or whatever it is called).
Not searching for an extensive tutorial as I already built some scripts, but don’t know where to start to be honest.