Sonos Say

I have the app from the athome store but i cannot find the volume settings when “sonos Say”. Is this not available in this version?

I run v6.0.7

Could you do me a favour and check if there is a action to toggle mute? If not, i’m not going to install it and will just keep using my webrequests to sonos api.

Just to be clear. This thread is about Sonos Say and not Sonos official. So questions about that one will not be replied here. At least not from me :slight_smile:

Anyone else having troubles installing from the HCS? Whenever I try to install Sonos Say from HCS (installing other apps goes well) the Homey Community Store app seems to crash and pauses:

After restarting the app installing other apps give no problems, only the Sonos Say app… :frowning:

I know, and have just confirmed, it still doesn’t support mute toggling along with some other basic stuff. So, i’ll just keep using the api for that. Works great and the container doesnt consume any resources anyway.

:frowning: when I use the Say card and search for my sonos device the app crashes.

If you enter “http://ip of homey:5005/zones” in a browser what dose it say?

I get the message

{“status”:“error”,“error”:“No system has yet been discovered. Please see TypeError: Cannot read property 'coordinator' of null · Issue #77 · jishi/node-sonos-http-api · GitHub if it doesn’t resolve itself in a few seconds.”}

If you want I can just add them. It’s easy. Just added Toggle Mute on Speaker. What more commands do you like?

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Tried installing Sonos Say from the Community Store from several different devices now, but it keeps crashing the Homey Community Store app on Homey… :frowning:
Any idea what to do, @Ludvig or @MaxvandeLaar?

Yes I got this too. It just solved it self after like 5 minutes of first install. Just wait a bit and try again. Maybe restart the app ones or something. Im running from CLI so during debug it just started running. Seems like a bug in node-sonos since they have an automated response with a ticket.

Funny thing, adding stuff to it now and got it as well.

Dunno sadly. Maybe its crashing and thats why? Don’t know if you can find logs or something. Will try to fix so it don’t crash of the error shown above.

Strange things, I already have it running for about 60 minutes :frowning:
Restarted the app couple times, still no luck.

I will have a look tomorrow. I’ll keep you updated.

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fixed this error in the latest version waiting to be publish (to HCS).
When the speakers are not found yet, the app wil not crash (and burn) anymore.

3.1.4 is working no problems with the install.Thanks :slight_smile:

@Everyone here, Version 3.1.4 is installing without any issues. Reason why the HCS Homey App froze was simply due to the app size of Sonos Say. After debugging with the kind devs of Sonos Say we could figure out what the issue was and resolve it within a few minutes.

Now if only I had a Sonos device I could actually use the app myself xD

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Strange, with v3.1.4 I got the same install issue as before?

I’m still on v2.0.1

The HCS app still freezes when installing v3.1.4?

Here everything is fine