SmartWings Z-Wave Integration

Has anyone had any success adding SmartWings (z-wave) blinds into Homey.

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If there is no dedicated app available for these devices in the Homey app store, then these devices are not supported by Homey.
The linked article describes how resp. where you can submit a request for devices that are not yet supported.

Got it; just wondering if anyone had anyone experience with them. Coming from Hubitat Elevation there were generic ā€œdriversā€ so to speak, so even if a device wasnā€™t officially supported you can usually get basic functions for a device; seems homey works different. Guess with homey any unsupported device is basically an on / off switch.

I wrote this post because after I first paired a SmartWings blind it showed up as just a generic on /off switch and those commands would make the blind ā€˜openā€™ and ā€˜closeā€™ but it was only going up and down a few inches. I removed this blind and then re-added it just for the heck of it and now this blind and all other blinds ā€˜workā€™. When the switch is on, the blinds are open and and when the blinds are close the switch it off. It works for use my use case; simply want to automated them based on time as well as being able to control from a Zooz ZEN37.

Iā€™m wondering that it works because Homey definitely doesnā€™t have generic Z-Wave drivers for blinds. But ok, Iā€™m happy for you if it now works anyway.

The following devices are officially supported without an dedicated app:

  • Zigbee LED lights
  • Zigbee Smart Plugs with and without power measurement
  • Z-Wave Smart Plugs with and without power measurement
  • Matter devices

However, there are two ways to submit a request for an app.
At Athom itself: Request a Brand | Homey
Or here in the community: [Requests] Homey Pro Community App Requests

You can also submit a request to both. However, there is no guarantee that a dedicated app will ever be available.
Therefore, the best way is to buy only devices that are already supported by Homey.

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