I’ve bought some 3 iBlinds motors (myiblinds.com) to automate my blinds, was hoping to connect and operate them via Homey. Does anybody have any experience with these as there doesn’t seem to be an app in the database.
Does work with Smartthings, Domoticz, Vera.
Hope somebody has experience with these…
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If there is no app for that, then the chances are small.
Maybe you can include the blinds as “Generic Z-Wave Device” (Add devices -> Homey -> Z-Wave). But only basic functions like on/off will be possible.
But you can also make an app request.
How did this work out? Were you able to add and control the iBlinds as a generic Z-Wave device? Are you able to read-out their current position?
No, I guess not. Maybe only up and down is possible.
Because I don’t have iBlinds I can’t say exactly what is possible, it’s just a guess.
there is an app now for the blinds, I’m thinking of buying the blinds motor to. how they working for you?
I can report the iBlinds v3 works great with Homey Pro 2023.