Suggestions for creating Smart Venetian Blinds?

Hi Eveyone,

I started with a Homey Bridge not to long ago and immediately got hooked.
However there were somethings I missing with the bridge that could be done with te Homey PRO. (mainly the community driven apps)
therefore i recently purchased a Homey early 2019 (classified as a PRO now I believe).
Since then I’ve almost automated everything single thing I wanted in my home! :slight_smile:
There is however, one thing left on my wishlist. This is to automate my venetian blinds.
I have looked around a bit but haven’t found anything suiting my application/whishes.
Does anyone have any tips or suggestions based on my wishes/application?
if there simply is no solution to my application also feel free to comment!

My application and wishes are as followed:

  1. Costs sub €200,- (found some options but it would be really expensive, If someone knows a way to DIY the blinds that would be a good solution as well!)

  2. I want to be able to tilt the slats to a open and closed position based on the sun setting and/or starting to watching a movie.

  3. The motor doesn’t have to lift the blinds because they are closed all the time anyways.

  4. there is no power outlet near the blinds I want to automate.

  5. I’d rather not have to purchase a new hub to control the blinds (if impossible, then it wouldn’t be a problem.)

If anyone has some suggestions or comments please let me know!
Thank you for your time! :slight_smile:

Hi Max,

Welcome and contrats on your upgrade to the Homey Pro. Good to hear that you are enjoying it and automated your home. I’m having the same issue and I have 3 venetian blinds that I would love to automate. Same as you just open/close. I’ve been doing some research for a while now but I havent found the perfect solution for me yet. Let me share what I’ve found so far and hopefully there is a good solution in this topic in the future.

The first option I’ve found is the Somfy 50 RTS Tilt-only (sorry for the Dutch link, it’s the only shop I could find that sells it for less than € 100,-.
The big con for this motor is the need for adapters, powersource and a mounting system in your rails. This makes the whole bundle much more expensive. You don’t need a hub though since it can connect directly to homey.

Another option I am considering is to loop the strings for the up and down movement together and use something like the Xiaomi Aqara Roller Shade Driver E1 ( I’m not sure this has enough pull to open and close the blinds though. I don’t see this device present in the Aqara App for Homey | Homey though.

If you have a turn rod to open and close your blinds this could be an option: The one in this video is which doesn’t have an app for homey. There is also a similar option from Aqara This one also isn’t available in the Aqara app for homey.

That’s all the options I’ve found so far. Hopefully there is someone with a better and more affordable solution. Maybe slightly D.I.Y. could be an option as well indeed!

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Hi Nixjuh!

Thank you for taking the time to write down your suggestion! :blush:
The first option seems like quite a good suggestion!
The power source would indeed be something to look at, is there no powersource available from Somfy?

The second and third options unfortunately won’t work for my application. As my blinds are from Topjaloezieën and use two seperate strings for tilting the blinds, so i can’t use a closed loop or a turn rod motor.

I think i’ll do some research in to the somfy motor to see if i can make this motor work.
I’ve also looked at a new app/product called Motion Blinds, See link below.

Motion Blinds

They supply smart blinds as a whole, but also motors for roller blinds.
In the app however they offer support for Venetian blinds as well.
I’ve asked in this topic what type of motor supports venetian blinds.

I will report my findings! :grin: :face_with_monocle:

I think they do have a powersource, but you will also need an adapter for the right rod size, and an adapter to click the tilt motor in the rails. If you have multiple blinds this option can still get quite expensive I think.

I also have two seperate strings, but you could tie them togethter to make a closed loop. Not sure this would work though.

I see, the costs will indeed add up that way!
I think I’ve found an alternative on Robbshop though.
it’s still quite expensive but the costs would be sub €200 per set and you don’t need an extra hub to control it with your Homey Pro because there is an app in the Homey App store.
See the links below for the set:


Iblinds Z-Wave Plus Jaloezieën Kantelmotor

Solar power supply:

Iblinds Zonnepaneel Accu

I think I’m going to purchase this set and test it out! :smiley:


Did you purchase it? If yes, what are your findings? :blush:

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Hi Nixjuh!

Thank you for asking!
I haven’t bought them yet, but it is high on the list for our home automation.
Had some other financial priorities unfortunately. :frowning:
Once I’ve bought them I will give you an update!

HI NIxjuh,

My apologies for the long period of radio silence, it’s been quite busy!
If you still looking for a solution to make your non-smart blinds smart, the Iblinds motor is perfect.
I received it as a present from my wife for my birthday last February. :smiley:

The installation was rather easy, First, you remove your blinds from the window frame, then take out the tilt rod and tilt mechanism. After removing the tilt rod and mechanism, you can place the motor in the blinds, I had to use the height adapter plate as well.

Make sure the cords for the tilt mechanism run in between the height adapter plate and the motor itself, otherwise there will be too much tension on the cord and you can’t lower the blinds.
(trust me on this one :rofl:)

After that, you can install the button for manual operation/charge port in the spot where the cords originally came from. you then connect this to the motor and place the battery close to the motor and plug it in, (or the solar panel if you bought it.)

After that, you download the iblinds app on your Homey and it will guide you through the pairing process. it’s all pretty self-explanatory.

I made the following flow for it and it works like a charm! :heart_eyes:

I also incorporated it into some other flows, but you get the idea.

P.S. If your looking for a place to buy it in Europe you need to purchase it from the following link: