I want to buy outdoor venetian blinds to our flat and I am considering two options. I am looking for advice which solution is better and easier to use and integrate to Homey. I already have 5x1,5 Cyky installed together with classic switches which I would like to keep.
- Buying IO Motors from Somfy with Tahoma hub + IZYMO transmitter IO under every single switch or
- Buying WT motors and make them smart with modules like Fibaro Roller Shutter etc. (any experiences with them? Especially with Roller Shutter 4 or others to recommend?) Can I tilt the blinds with that? Does it work like two way communication as IO motors so I can see the accurate position in App?
First option will be probably more expensive and I will have to buy Tahoma Switch but It will work without any issues so I would like to know some experiences with second one.
Which of the solution would you recommend and why?