Smartware SH5-RDV-A Thermostate

Hello all,

I need a thermostatic valve in one of the bedrooms. Iwant to shut of this valve when the window in that room is open. I saw the SH5-RDV-A of smartwares but want to be sure this thing works before i buy another cat in the sack as we say in holland. Does anyone has experiance with this device or does anyone have a good alternative below the 75 euro’s


Well since i got no reply figured it out myself. Because the SH5-RDV-A of smartwares is a 433mhz based device it doesn’t seem to be rigth for me. 433 mhz is giving issue’s with Homey(KAKU). So i am replacing all those items. I have seen some reviews of the Eurotronic spirit devices. So i have ordered one of those.

greetz Frans

Of course your right however patience is not my strongest point :rofl::rofl::rofl:
I do want to state that the reaction time on some post takes sometimes ages or even no response.
Of course i understand that the anwers comes from volunteers that have more in life than homey.
I also see that the answer usualy comes from the same persons so maybe we need some more experianced guys that are willing to help others.

nevertheless thanks for answering


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