“Tuya doesn’t provide access to their snapshots or streams, so … viewing the feed isn’t possible”
Like I said, this suggests that the only reason why you can’t view feeds from Tuya devices is because of something that Tuya lacks, not something that Homey lacks.
once again many thanks for your advice and the flow. I have applied the “Zone active” trigger but unfortunatelly this would not work (whereas in the same flow “motion alarm on works OK”, strange, no other sensors in this zone…
So I stayed with "motion alarm for now as it works. The other thing is that my motion sensor has no AND trigger “helligkeit ist kleiner als”. I had to stay with my variable for “heligkeit”, but his works well too…
I am testing now “lights off” after 15 min of zone inactivity, so far so good…
Door- and window sensors are also part of „Zone Activity“, so maybe you use also one or more of these sensors in the same zone.
It’s easy to check which sensors are included in the zone. In the smartphone app select the Devices view and then the zone. Then click on the “Activity” widget. All sensors that can activate this zone are then displayed. You can exclude sensors using the cogwheel.
Perhaps take a look at the friendly neighbours of Home Assistant then, because their official Tuya integration supports streams from Tuya-branded devices.