Shelly H&T card not available in And condition of a flow


Why Shelly H&T card is not available in And condition of a flow ?
I’d like to check (And) “The humidity is between x and y” but this card is not available.
Shelly H&T card is available in the When condition (“Humidity becomes lower than”) but this is not what I need. I need to check the humidity in the And card (I check when humidity becomes lower than a certain value on a Tado Smart radiator thermostat but I need to check the humidity is also lower than this value on the Shelly H&T to trigger the Do action).
The temperature and humidity are always available on the Shelly H&T device tile so I guess it should be possible to get them in an And condition, no ?
As a matter of fact, the temperature and humidity tags are available in a Logic card …but this requires paid subscription…
The “Humidity is between x and y” card exists for Tado Smart radiator card in And condition. Could we have it available for Shelly H&T (and the same for the temperature) ? Thx


As with most devices, temperatures, humidity, brightness, etc. are checked via a logic card in the “And…” section:

Fill in the humidity tag :label: of the H&T the first, and the limit in the second field:


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Hello Dirk,

Thank you for your feedback, but, as I wrote : “As a matter of fact, the temperature and humidity tags are available in a Logic card …but this requires paid subscription
The “Humidity is between x and y” card exists for Tado Smart radiator card in And condition. Could we have it available for Shelly H&T (and the same for the temperature) ? Thx” …

So, why is the card available for Tado Smart radiator but not for Shelly H&T ?

I don’t think so.

I tried…
I can add the (Logic) card but there is a lock icon on it. When I click on the card I get a page to subscribe to the paid subscription… When I try to run the flow I get a red exclamation mark.
So, I’ m asking for an App Shelly “And card”, as it exists for Tado

Another flow, which is working, with Tado And card, checking the humidity.
I’m asking for same type of card for Shelly H&T

As a developer, I personally wouldn’t add such a card to an app. The Logic solution is how it’s supposed to work and it seems strange that Athom is now asking money for it.

You can try and ask @Phuturist, but I think I know his answer to this.

Okay, so Logic gets disabled when you cancel your Homey Premium subscription. Seems to me that you should just pay to get this feature back :man_shrugging:t3:

As a developer, I personally wouldn’t add such a card to an app
Why not ? The equivalent Tado card is very convenient and useful.
If possible to get temperature/humidity from Tado device in an And card, why wouldn’t it be possible to do it for Shelly too ?
For the time being, I discover Homey and I’m managing only 3 devices and therefore I’m not willing to go for the paid subscription for such small need.
How can I address @Phuturist (sorry, I’m newbee on this forum) ? Thx

The already linked “Welcome to the forum!” topic describes how you can contact an app developer.

To make it easier for you anyway, @Phuturist is the developer of the Shelly App. So please ask in the relevant topic (link).

Asking in the official app thread would help.

But since I was tagged here I’m reading along. I agree on Robert with this though. I dont want to have to add and maintain extra flow cards in the Shelly app for functionality that is already part of Homey core (and especially not just because one user does not want to pay for something :wink: ).

My advice though, if you are serious about home automation dont go for a cloud dependent solution like Homey Cloud anyway.

But I can be persuaded if you make a donation to the plastic soap foundation though …


Hello Phuturist,

Thank you for your reply.

My advice though, if you are serious about home automation dont go for a cloud dependent solution like Homey Cloud anyway.

I do agree. I made several home automation (control my heat pump, swimming-pool pump, awning, water meter,…). They all rely on local automation based on Shelly scripts.
But now I need to also collect temperature and humidity from my Tado smart radiators and Tado does not offer a local API, only cloud one. And other problem, the auth key generated by the API is too long to be handled within Shelly script… :pensive:
So I’m trying another way with Homey and I’m now stuck due to this lack of And card :cry:

I will post the request on the official app thread so you have it for the record. If one day you don’t know what to do… :wink: Thx

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