Senec Batteriespeicher

Hi there, does anybody know if there is the possibility to connect Senec from EnBw with homey (battery of photovoltaik device)
Thank you Claus-Dieter

Senec Batteries do have an API, so if someone build an App based on that, it should be possible.
But until now, there is no App for Homey available, so no not yet!

You can submit request to Homey Community App Requests - #555 by BigM

…and in the meantime check out ioBroker option - iobroker.senec - npm (via MQTT you can try to integrate into Homey)

Thanks a lot for your feedback! Do you know if there are professionell smart meters for private use available, which can provide homey with the information about the current status like: IF there is an outgoing power flow into the public power network AND somebody is at home THAN switch on the ‘device a’ in my house (in order to use the overfloading energy by myselfe). Lets assume that device a is already connected with hw.

Thank you!

According to their page they support the follwing inverters directly:

Else i might think of shelly 3m that are supported (but i don’t know if they have 2 direction flow).
These are the search results for smart meter on the homey app search:

Interesting. I am at the moment comparing battery proposals. And I am concerned and puzzled about Homey compatibility. It would be great to get more clarity on this topic - which battery systems can be linked into Homey with existing available apps.

Hi there,
Are there any news about connecting SENEC battery to Homey?
Thanks, Stefan

I’m currently working on an app for my SENEC battery, but there’s no set timeline yet. I have a SENEC.Home V3 Hybrid Duo. If you have any ideas or feature requests, feel free to let me know.

I now have a working version. There’s still a bit missing before I can upload the app. I also don’t quite know yet whether I should create the battery, inverter and enflurie as separate devices.

Really great would be if the force load and Switch back to normal would be aviable for flows so i cloud force the load of the battery in Winter times when energy is cheap via Tibber and set it back to normal Mode when it‘s expensive

If the inverter supports ModbusTCP (Modbus via LAN), you can try this app.
But you need a manufacturers manual with Modbus registers and datatypes. So really technical.

As far as I have seen, Senec does not support Modbus. However, the app I created 2 months ago runs reliably. The app still needs a few small adjustments, then I’ll put it online.

For the people who are interested in playing around with the code or want to help, I have uploaded the app to Github. But I don’t think it will work at the moment because I’ve already started to rebuild certain things. Otherwise, I think I might be able to finish the app by the end of this week.

Small status update. I have fixed the app and also slightly extended it. You can add a Senec memory, but this has the fixed ip This is not a big deal, because if the device has been paired, you can correct the ip in the device settings afterwards. However, I am still correcting the pairing process.


Over the last few months, I’ve been playing around and made a few changes to the app. It works so far, but the app should be made a little prettier before publishing it. The setting that the battery should load or release the load also works so far.

Hey Daniel,

thank you for your efforts for the App. Maybe I can join in testing and coding. But I have some issues to install your app in my Homey Pro. Maybe you can provide a more detailed description how to install it.

I activated the SSH feature of Homey, downloaded the code ( from Github, unpacked it. But when I try to start the homey app install I got error messages from npm.

So maybe you can help me and then I will see how I can join your project.

Thank you