When a new user post his first post, he will receive a welcome message with rules for posting.
When this welcome message is sent automatically and directly after the first post, it is possible to request the user to review his post regarding to this rule. As a good answer starts with a good problem description.
Totally agree. Only Athom doesn’t seem to bother (not an assumption).
After reading the same
“Please use the forum like this and this”,
“Please read the Welcome to the forum post”,
“You’ll find info at the app topic”,
“Did you use the search function”
posts from our patient mods and users for over 4 years:
doesn’t a new/better user landing page save the mods lots of their valuable time?
Nobody seems to know about the existence of dedicated app topics, or how to find those.
One cause: when one adds devices of new apps per mobile-/web app, all valuable info on app store pages isn’t shown, at all
Another cause: nobody seems to scroll down to the app store info & support section. Just move it up, above the “Install” button. -
Nobody seems to know about the valuable info the first post of those topics seem to provide for setup info, faq and or troubleshoot
yes I know it might be pointless: people don’t read/search anymore.
Maybe a podcast / youtube forum introduction should be presented to new users
If the forum continues like it is now, it will choke. Homey is not a consumer product, but part of a complicated software system. And more and more users behave like consumers and lack knowledge and willingness to develop programmer/system developer skills. So the people willing to help are overloaded. And it is no fun to explain the same problem again and again. And users are no unpaid helpdesk employees of Athom. Without a good community forum Homey is useless.
Support seems to reply with this default text, multiple users quoted this:
They put a lot of faith in the unpaid volunteers here.
Imho the forum at least should’ve an “intake” procedure like the one support has.
There is a real challenge for LG