Schlage Connect and Homey Bridge

I was able to connect my Schlage Connect lock to Homey Bridge as Z-Wave, but it does not open. I am moving from Wink to Homey, and want to setup my Schlage lock.
Any help would be welcomed.


If there is no app for Schlage Smart Locks available in the Homey App Store, and there is no such app, then this device will not work as it should.
Actually it’s connected as a generic Z-Wave device and soupports only some basic features.

so I take it this is the case with anything not in the App store?


I have a Schlage Connect lock and the lock shows it connects via Z-Wave but the Homey App says there was a communication error and will not add the lock. How were you able to get it to connect?

So now there is Schulage lock App available in the Homey app and I download it and connected it but it’s still giving that same issue of the wave device found. Do I need to switch my lock or what do I do from here? Is there a way I can contact customer service directly?