More or less posting for anyone who searches RunLessWire. I have a couple of these 4 button switches and was curious if they could be added to Homey flows. I’m using the Hue hub, but once the switches are added in the accessories section of the Hue App they should show when you add a device in Homey under Phillips Hue → Bridge → Tap Switch. It’s NOT required to set the switch up via the “Configure in another app” Hue accessory setting, which allows us to use the Hue app for any hue lighting / functionality and still add flows when pressed via Homey.
Once added you’ll have the ability to add cards such as “When <Button 1> Pressed”. There doesn’t seem to be any cards for the long presses or events around cycles that Hue supports directly as a heads up.
Lastly button order for the curious:
Button1 is Top Left
Button2 is Bottom Left
Button3 is Top Right
Button4 is Bottom Right
Hope this helps someone.