Ring Security - Extend Heimdall with Ring Security products

Firstly, Thanks @DaneedeKruyff for all your time and answers here. Really appreciated.

I’m a long-time Homey user. I currently have the Homey Pro (Early 2019).

I recently bought the Ring Keypad 2gen, and sadly facing some issues getting it properly working.

I did install the Ring Keypad 2 app, Heimdall Surveillance app and Heimdall. Added users with pins. Went over all settings. Was able to link the keypad without issues.

All seems to be working, besides one thing: It seems the Ring Keypad is only communicating in one direction. Homey :arrow_right: Keypad works. Keypad :arrow_right: Homey seems not to happen.

When I turn on the alarm, the keypad shows the countdown. When I changes states, the keypad shows the current state.

However, entering anything on the keypad, or pressing any button, will trigger no effect on the Homey apps.

I removed everything, relinked the keypad, reinstalled the apps, rebooted :all_the_things:, did read this topic fully and others, the Motion-Sensor is also disabled (was disabled by default), but I’m still unable to get any communication from the keypad to the Homey working.

Even when I make a flow, triggered by sequence-entered, or an emercy button, no flow is executed.

I’m not sure how to proceed, besides resetting the Z-Waze network (which I keep as ultimate fallback)

I wouldn’t say the keypad is freezing, as it still makes a sound when I press anything, and I see the countdown effect when holding an emergency button, however, nothing happens at Homey :frowning:

So… I’m really puzzled here.

Does anyone have any idea what I could have missed, and could be the culprit? Or any logs that can help indicate the culprit?

The ringpad is also at a close distance of Homey, with no walls between.

PS: As I’m new on this forum, I’m not allowed to upload >1 image, nor a PDF, so had to make one image with the screenshots I hope/think are relevant.