Hey Peter, I read your post just now. I wasn’t aware of this issue.
The flow cards with “… older than x” didn’t work for some time now, but after renewing the bearer token, they’re working again.
The odd thing is, the flow cards without the “older than” option, worked fine without renewing the token.
Do you also have that experience?
I’ll keep an eye on it.
Hey Peter,
I really don’t know, because i only use the ‘older than’ card. Two minutes after Homey set everyone a sleeping i empty my timeline so i have a fresh start every day😄. In the meanwhile the issue didnot occured the last few weeks, so fingers crossed!
Thanks, we’ll see what happens
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Hi @Le_Cactus ,
may I ask you, did anyone report issues with GENERAL storage - OTHER growing way too much, when Timeline manager is used (see screenshot) ? It looks like it’s connected to Timeline manager, because when I uninstall it, the Other goes back to around 350 MB… am I able to debug it somehow myself ? I’m on latest 1.5.5. Thank you.
Could be the log. Could you (as soon as you see fit) clear the logfile, and see if that reduces the storage usage? If you see it reduced by just clearing the logs I’ll have a look at it to see if I can prevent it.
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Actually it happens immediately when I install Timeline manager, even without configuring it and it happens every-time. Do you mean to clear Timeline or really some logs, of Timeline manager, or ?
Strange it was working several months without any issue and I was also not doing any changes in related flows…
Also Timeline shows just about 250 entries for past 2 days.
No, I meant clearing the log of the app itself. But if you say it happens right after installation then I don’t understand, the log can’t grow that fast . The app itself is only 8 Mb (even less) so I don’t get it.
I uninstalled the app myself, and believe it or not, the Other even grew a little. So I really have no clue, also not on how to debug this of solve this…
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Thank you, I understand. You don’t have public GitHUB to install via CLI, right ?
As I said, it was working for several months and suddenly I realized that my Cloud backups do not work…and the culprit was Timeline manager ;-( It started around Christmas.