Regarding the Sonnen app

Hi Bogguard,

I’ve just got my system installed (finally!) and now have the opportunity to check and test different things. Some of the things I wrote earlier is already solved! =)

I will also post this in the open forum.

The suggestions of three vital features I have now is the following:

  1. Create a “Then”-card for “Change Operating mode” to Manual, Self-consumption or Time of Use (ToU)

  2. Create a “Then”-card for “Discharge X (add tag here) watts”:

  3. Create a “Then”-card for “Charge X (add tag here) watts”.

if possible there is a fourth suggestions and it is in regards to the mode of Time of Use:

  1. Create a “Then”-card that “Set schedule for Time of Use”
    I don’t know how this works yet though… :smiley:

let me know if I can be of any help!

Best regards