Problem with getting NFC Tags to start Flows

I am new to Homey and have a Homey Pro 2023 and am using an Android phone with NFC Tools (not the Homey Community APP). I am able to write and read the NFC tags. But can not get them to start any flows.

I have been reading previous posts about using NFC tags on the forum but the methods I see are different. I presume this is because of different versions/ages of Homey that people are using.

It is obvious that I do not understand how to utilize webhooks. I have tried:


Where: represents the Ethernet IP Address of Homey found in Settings.
nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn represents the 24 character Homey ID found in Settings.

I can get the following to start a flow when it is entered into the address bar of a web browser and I hit ENTER.
But it will not work when I scan the NFC Tag which has that URL written to it.

Any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

If you can get the flow to trigger when you open the URL in a browser, the issue isn’t with your Homey setup but with your phone setup.

Are you sure that the NFC Tools app actually opens URL’s when it scans them from a tag?

No I am not. Frankly NFC Tools has very little in the way of tutorials or instructions that I can find and it has all been trial and error, lots of errors.

Given that opening random URL’s might be a security issue, it’s possible that it doesn’t work automatically.

With iOS (specifically the Shortcuts app), there’s an option to open a URL when scanning an NFC tag with a particular ID (so the URL isn’t encoded on the tag, just a unique ID, and when the phone scans that ID it will open a URL), perhaps there’s something similar for Android?

Macrodroid can do the job

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I used NFC tools on Android together with the ‘Micro web server app’ for the same purpose and it works fine as long as I remember to start flows with the ‘Web Trigger’ when card provided by the app.

Has the advantage of not needing the internet. Nice app. I mainly use it to run a dashboard - NFC processing is a useful added extra.

When you read a correctly set up tag, Android opens a browser window using the supplied URL. If you are not seeing that, there’s a problem with the tag.


Hi Andy,

Thanx. Just FYI, you can use local webhooks without an app as well:

Hi Tim,

I am stucked at the same point e.g. my tag triggers a notification to open the website but in order to run the flow I need to phisically tap and open it in browser, than it works fine, have you possibly overcome this issue and could share your solution?

Thank you in advance



That’s a safety feature to prevent malicious URL’s from being opened automatically.

e.g. you can not send the webhook to Homey? :frowning:

That’s not the problem, the problem is that your phone won’t allow URL’s on NFC’s to be opened automatically (again, for safety reasons).

If you have an iPhone, you may be able to get it working with a Shortcut, those can also scan NFC tags and open URL’s (but the URL won’t be stored on the NFC, instead it will be part of the shortcut), I think also without intervention but can’t remember for sure.

Thanks a million. This is a work-around that will work with the particular shortcut, I intended to program NFC Tag for anybody to tap… :frowning: