[Pro] Why don't the And criteria in this flow work?


I’ve got a flow set-up to set a thermostat to off if either one of 2 windows in the same room is opened. I thought it would be more efficient to try to use one flow. Since the trigger event can’t have an OR, I have I used the “A Contact alarm is turned on” trigger, thinking I could specify under AND that either of the windows is opened, like this:

However, what actually happens is that if any Contact alarm in the house is triggered, the thermostat is switched off. i.e. it looks as though the And criteria are ignored.

What am doing wrong?

Have you tried the flow test button to see which clause is true?
One thing that I can think of is that if either window in the or is already open and you trigger an entirely different contact alarm, this flow also executes. That may not be what you intended.

Also, you save one flow, but sacrifice performance as this flow is evaluated way and way more depending on how many contact alarms you own. So this is not something that I would advise.

But if both windows mentioned in the and clause are closed, the flow should not run the action.

Also, you save one flow, but sacrifice performance as this flow is evaluated way and way more depending on how many contact alarms you own. So this is not something that I would advise.

I hadn’t though of that, but in any case since both windows are indeed closed, it should not run the action, but it does, as soon as any other contact is open, even though a test shows the false status on the 2 AND critria

Is this therefore a bug?

There’s no green checkmark after the then action so this flow is not executed. So you probably have another flow doing it. If you put in a notification in the then part of the flow you will know for sure.

Thanks Ed. Indeed I have a notification. It’s what keeps telling me that [wrongly] that the windows is open

OK, well I guess I’ll just have to create flows for each window (unless I use VThermo, but I’m yet to establish whether there’s any benefit in installing that for my purposes)

Thanks for you replies

Is this Homey Cloud/Bridge or Pro? I have never ever witnessed a bug in flow logic on a Pro.

It’s a Pro (updated the title)

Still weird, I get green checks when the commands execure and they are not there in your screenshot, yet you see the notification that is arguably not in any other flow.


If you don’t have any other sensor in this room why not use the ‘’'if the TV room is active" option as a trigger?

Hi @Rob_Veenis

I have aeotec multisensors in reach room. But I don’t understand what you mean.


What I mean is that if your sensors are in a specific room, jou can use the activity in that room as a trigger.
If Zone TV room is active than…
Only problem is that your have a multisensor in that room (zone) that will trigger as well the flow.

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