[Pro][Dashboard] SmartDash - a dashboard for Homey

Is possible to add a filter by string part

I donā€™t know, but at me HomeyImage with image from app Gallery work

v0.240624.1 - release 1.4.67

  • Bug fix

I also installed the gallery app and uploaded a simple image. When I add an image widget to the NSpanel, I do not see a preview of the image and is therefore not shown after saving. I donā€™t understand why it works for you. Is there anyone who would like to think about what I may be overlooking? On my iPad I can see the image in SmartDash.

Can you try to set cloud_id in ns panel pro and connect by cloud?

v0.240626.1 - release 1.4.68

You helped me on the right path. after adding a Cloud ID, SmartDash indicated that Homey was offline. I restarted my Homey and now I can start SmartDash via Cloud. The images now also work and I see my doorbell image. Thanks for your explanation.

In the latest week i have some problem with homey (cloud donā€™t work very well), maybe you are in the same situation.

I read in another forum that Homey Pro 2023 regularly loses its cloud connection. They will then restart the Homey every day. Iā€™ll keep an eye on it to see if it continues to work.

However SmartDash has a problem when Homey restart (some time lose the connection, need to restart the app). Iā€™m fixing this issue (need to recreate authentication)

Switch Bot pro Lockā€¦

I have installed a Switchbot Pro lock on my door(s). It is compatible with Homey. But I cannot add it in the DashBoard. What do you need to add it ?

If smartdash find the device send a screenshot of capabilities and the device type

I already found itā€¦ I named the lock incorrect. So I could not find it as I expected.

Can you give me an example of the CSS code for locked (red button) and unlocked (green button) ?

v0.240628.1 - release 1.4.69

  • Optimized messages when Homey cloud is offline

is the same of a socket widget.

the system add .on class when is locked (or unlocked?).

.content .state { color: green !important }
.on .content .state { color: red !important }

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@diapolon after updating I get this on smartclock, before update it was working.

hi, i released a fix. I donā€™t know what happened but in the last update it was deactivated the http cleartext in ns panel pro version

v0.240628.1 - release 1.4.70

  • Fixed HTTP ClearText problem in Ns Panel Pro version

Thanks, is fixed!

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@diapolon I hope you keep up the good development of SmartDash despite the change of Athom ownership. I would like to see it as a hobby, not as a paid project.