[Pro][Dashboard] SmartDash - a dashboard for Homey

:wink: ahahah ok
If don’t work i need to recreate the situation

v0.240610.4 - release 1.4.57

I just updated the app and it works! :+1:

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For v0.240610.4 the same can be said as in post 1641, that it blinks in most cases one time after the first quick refresh.

Edit: the Back button on Android is not working anymore (again).

How can replicate it? What step you make for this error? I tried but on my android work, maybe the error occur in a particular case.

In my case it gotten worse.
Now when I play next song in the widget. It changes Track and artist. But image disappears (and I see the icon). When I change panels and go back to the panel with the widget it still does not show the image. Need to refresh the device myself in the settings to get image back.

When the songs ends normally and next songs start; I refreshes fast (with image) but soon after it refreshes again and image disappears.

I was “only” on v0.240610.1 (you are so blazing fast)
After update to .4:

  • Back is working again
  • refresh of image is not freshing changing the track; only music placeholder is visible. Going to another end-user panel and back won’t do the job. But going to setup page and back is showing the image again (reproducible)

I would say: don’t touch the Friday version, because that had a fast and good response for the Speaker widget

and update with Google is not so fast :joy:

Ok, this was my mistake, i “changed” android for ios and viceversa

ok this is because i’m trying to auto update image but some thing was broken

It took me a long time before I had the buttons become white. Very frustrating :thinking: while trying a lot with the CSS.
Then I changed the color of the background in the widget itself to black (was white) and the buttons became white :thinking: :smiley:

In next update i restore previous method for manage the cover and try to update the image only when track change.

That is exactly the reason for my repeated request to make SmartDash application management more menu-driven. At most the exotic things can still be implemented with CSS, but the usual options should be done through menu-driven choices.

By the way: dare to ask. We try to help each other here.

Sometimes I want to understand things :slight_smile: I was almost at the point to ask and then probably somewhere I remembered reading something about background color being important and that for CSS the original state is important :slight_smile:

Also still thinking about the way I am going to use the speakerwidget with image in my ‘production-dashboard’. So now still playing with the possibilities/styling. Your CSS helped already a lot :+1: :smiley:

v0.240610.6 - release 1.4.58

Unfortunately, some changes that seem simple become complex because they can break the app when you don’t have a clean installation
I have to enter them carefully

For example, actually if you choose a background i set appropriate font color: if background is white the font color is dark, if you choose green is white.
I would like to add an option for choose the font color but i need to make a migrate options for all the widgets saved in database

I would like also to have a response on single (type) widgets:

  • it’s okay,
  • needs to be improved (what needs to be improved?)
  • it needs to be rewritten (don’t work)
  • i don’t use it

That’s fine to me, I’m not in a rush.

Could it be easier if you create menu-driven options that automatically translate to CSS?

What do you mean by “Single Widgets”? Do you want to know the usage and opinion per widget type?

yes, i mean for type, sorry.