[Pro][Dashboard] SmartDash - a dashboard for Homey

App for Echo show don’t work well :smiling_face_with_tear:

Understand it a bit more now; just checked devices in developer-mode. It can only work because the device not ‘made’ by the Spotify-app shows the necessary info. The info about what is playing is not added to the ‘Spotify-device’

new update is available, check if now the cover change…

cannot download yet. Looks like it takes a lot of time (>> 1 hour)

yes, cover changes. :+1:

Would be nice if refresh could be a bit faster :smiley: One time it took almost 60 seconds. change after that took 11 seconds to refresh

MMM, when you interact with the widget the images is refreshed (new timestamp) and if the image is really updated they should change immediately.
Ara you sure that Homey refresh immediately?

Other thing. You polling interval is 1min?

Maybe Homey to not update immediately and have to wait for the next poll

I am testing with developer app open. In there I see the time playing (it is that time i mentioned before).

refresh time in SmartDash is very different each time. In developer app it is immediately (no delay)

Pollings indeed 60 sec / 1 min.

SmartDash by default poll at you value (1min) but when you make interaction the data is refreshed instantaneous and if the device content is updated if it is changed.
This unless there are connection slowdowns

you mean https://tools.developer.homey.app/?
I think it’s updated every second

yes ( https://tools.developer.homey.app/)

If I pres next in the widget in SmartDash refreshing can take long. If I understand well than in this case (a change in SmartDash) it should refresh directly (of course with sending and receiving it can take some time like seconds).

Would it be possible that refreshing directly if there is a change in SmartDash is too fast and the refresh is done by the polling mechanism (so within 60 seconds)?

Actually the system, when you interact refresh all data and all widgets (if they are a change).
This method with the new dashboard can be slow if you use many widget (all panel are rendered also the not in foreground).
I’m making a change for a single update, this can speed up.

Image refresh time on my (high range) Samsung tablet S8+ is for Speaker widget and HomeyImage the same (not a surprise): within 5 seconds with a refresh frequency of 5 seconds.

Possible solutions on Android if the refresh takes very long: clear internal memory or reboot device.
This morning I had problems with Cloud api on my Homey (not SmartDash related). After Homey reboot everything went well.

Still question open: how to enlarge the Speaker Widget album image with CSS and how to change its transparency?

v0.240607.2 - release 1.4.53

  • Changed method for update single capability. Need testing, if work can speed up the dashboard refresh

I was more thinking about it being too fast. Meaning If you poll for new info but that info has not even been changed in Homey yet,. So song 1 changed to song 2 in SmartDash. Poll done for new info at 0,01 second. Homey is processing info and info is changed at 0,03 seconds. So then info will be refreshed by the time the standard next polling from SmartDash is done (every xx seconds).

.content .image { }
.content .image img { }

if you set

.content .image { position: absolute }

it go in fullscreen.
I didn’t answer because it’s a test and it could change

Could you tell what the above code is and the difference between the 2 lines. You see, I am a CSS no know.
I manage to make it full screen, but not the transparency.

For transparency try opacity: 0.1 etc!

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.image is the container, img is the image, for sizing change .image for effect you can (also )use img

Exactly. I add a little delay for prevent This but This delay can be insufficient for the speaker device

I think too little :slight_smile: I do not notice a difference