[Pro][Dashboard] SmartDash - a dashboard for Homey

I do not expect that the font of the 6 menu items, time and connection icon becomes smaller when the system font becomes smaller. Perhaps with a CSS for the end user menu a system admin can define the size of the end user menu independently from the system font.

First try one setup screen, or are they linked to eachother?

Ah OK!
The system font size is app default font.
If you want change only widget you can use the font size scale in widget (80% to 120%) or css rule at panel level.
For make dashboard toolbar small maybe is necessary to add an option for setting a default font for dashboard

Every section except the dashboard use the same rules, i need to rewrite some thing for make it usable or use a trick

v0.240605.6 - release 1.4.49

  • Added initial how to for the CSS customization
  • Added ability to use automatic default font (The previous one system)

Not available for Android?

Is it possible that you add your version number in the update-notes for Android-app (in section new)??

Yes is available

I have added the release number

Not until this morning I see a update and in the 'new’part I did not see the release number you use in this topic (??)

Ah wait I now see it: you add the number from Play Store in your post :+1: I was expecting other way round :blush:

In Play Store I see 1.4.49

@Ricky_H Just wondering: did you manage to use some CSS?

v0.240606.1 - release 1.4.50

  • Added some optimization for landscape layout and tablet version @Amersfoort this is the maximum that i can make without long rewriting


:blush: :blush: just noticed; this looks a lot better now :+1:

To be honest I only see a very small difference. If it’s that much work to change it, then maybe you shouldn’t do it. On the other hand, if you like a challenge, why not?

Have you made a list in the meantime, on which SmartDash users can indicate via a vote what they would most like to see realized in SmartDash?

or an AMA :joy:

On the other hand, if you like a challenge, why not?

Think some change in functionality would be (more) nice to have:

Max volume in Speaker
Picture in speaker
Different formats for LightRGB (?)
Maybe replacing CSS with Options in the widget so no need to use CSS as user
Screensaver use (like digital pictureframe)
Possibilities for notifications (or line with scrolling text with input from Homey) with sound
Some other functionality outside Homey (?? - with different webapps or direct control for Google or other brands)

I see many rows recovered

I didn’t have time to do it :sweat_smile:

Maybe in part screen options in the widgets put size font next to background color (in 1 line)?

That’s the next step

Explain better and if you have examples even better :rofl:

Several things will be added

Is in todo list, it shouldn’t be difficult

Have you an idea for this? a homey variable?

Suggestions are well accepted