[Pro][Dashboard] SmartDash - a dashboard for Homey

and is a good case :slight_smile:

Was more a question about why not set the variable from the Dashboard to the number of the panel?

In that case if my panel 2 gets activated from within SmartDash I can automatically set it back in Homey to panel 2 by means of a flow.

then this is one for the wishlist :blush:

i polling homey variable. if they is 1,2,3,4,5,6 i switch to panel. I need to reset the variable because if i manual change the panel with toolbar button, SmartDash polling the variable and find the value > 0 and re-active the panel. How do I understand if the value found in variable is the previous or a new ?

How do I understand if the value found in variable is the previous or a new ?

My simple answer would be: check if it changed from within Homey and only then change the panel :slight_smile: But you are the developer :slight_smile: If not possible no worries :slight_smile: It is me being very lazy anyway. Probably I will stop staring at panel 2 anyway after some time :grin: :grin:

It could have been done but Homey don’t sent the update timestamp for the variable… :sweat_smile:

    "id": "5ce4122e-14a7-4716-ba10-c93477e110a5",
    "name": "Panel test",
    "type": "number",
    "value": 0

The type of variable should be modified in text and adding a json with the expire time for panel change.
It wouldn’t be bad either

Then maybe a companion-app will be the answer :smile: :smile:

also :rofl:

I would like the option to “keep the screen always on” my android tablet dont have that ability in settings but I have other apps on the same tablet that have the possibility to keep the screen always on.

if you enable the developer setting, you should find the stay awake option :slight_smile:

I try to add this feature in next update

v 0.240605.1

  • Added option for keep screen always on

v 0.240605.4

  • Added option for keep screen always on
  • Added option for change system fontsize

Small problem; I added a virtual button with a variable (on my test device). Tried to clean up my test environment. And so wanted to remove this widget. But I removed the variable from Homey first. Now it does not open the settings for the widget. When I want to use the widget is says that variable does not exist (which is good of course).

But would like to be able to change or remove the widget.

i try to fix it!

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v 0.240605.5

  • Added option for keep screen always on
  • Added option for change system fontsize (from 14px to 35px)
  • Fixed bug in VirtualButton when Homey variable is missing

Indeed fixed :+1:

Good first step being able to change the system fontsize.
Next step: make the setup forms responsive for a better usage of the screen space. Smaller (phone) and larger (tablet landscape) screens can use the same screens, using 1 or 2 columns.

Remarkable: lowering the system font size also shows a smaller font for the end-user button bar. Does the button bar need a CSS option too?

Example on my Samsung tablet still with 25 pt font with not that efficient usage of screen space:

I’m try to add a little guide for customize css

This require huge modify of interface, but is possible

I don’t understand :sweat_smile: