[Pro][Dashboard] SmartDash - a dashboard for Homey

Unfortunately that was not the solution

Happened to me too but on my test-device so I removed everything.

The following steps helped me:

  • Make 2 backups of the same setup (maybe first open another page (not 6) to be able to use the settings button)
  • open one of the backup files and search for “T Thermostaat” (the second backup is extra fall back)
  • look for the record following this “T Thermostaat”. In my case it was an empty record {}
  • if this is the case, remove only this {}
  • import this manually edited backup

@diapolon In some cases the save option write incomplete/empty records. We now have 3 examples with similar behaviour (widget with only questionmark, not able to open the settings for that specific page).

Happened to my tablet too. Then everything was done again. Now hoping for a solution.

I will definitely try this, thank you

hi, can you send me the device capabilities of your thermostat (from smartdash and homey develop tool)
Probably i made a mistakes with latest additions in thermostat widget

In my case it was an empty Image widget which takes some time to show the image in the widget setup. Maybe I pushed too early the save button while the preview image still was loading, and an empty record as a result?

can you send me more info when file is incomplete? it truncate always at the same widget?

mmm, it’s a stranger thing.
When you make a backup i create a json string from database and save it to file

I think it is an empty widget record, causing questionmark and not being able to use setting button for that page.
In my case it was page/panel 1.

In my case (I was testing) copied a lot of widgets (not the thermostat but probably speaker or virtual button). Was also in panel 6

make this step:

  1. go in a panel != from 6
  2. go in settings
  3. choose panels in bottom bar
  4. choose panel 6 and disable the thermostat widget
  5. check if now work panel 6

You need to understand if the problem is in the thermostat widget or in the ghost widget

If is the ghost widget, it’s visible in panel list? If yes, try to remove it

it’s not visible in panel widget list?

I don’t know and can’t check it either, because it happend a week ago.

you do not have the original backup anymore??

After restore of backup with empty record, I do not have access to the panel settings in the end user panel. In the setup of Smartdash I can see the panel in the list of panels, but when I click the panel with empty record, the settings with all widgets will not open.

I do not use the Thermostat widget.

Tomorrow i release an update for manage ghost widget

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Release named GhostBuster :thinking: :blush:

@Ton_van_Rijnsoever i released an update for ns panel pro with a fix. can you try if it work? (Do you have a ns panel pro right? otherwise i need to release update in play store)