[Pro][Dashboard] SmartDash - a dashboard for Homey

ok, lastupdated in ring remain equal…i remove it

I release update for nspanel, try if now work

Okay, back in time. Homey image (for Sonos) has an ID but no image (= no song is currently playing on Sonos). An exclamation mark within 5 seconds. This used to be better.
Now using version 0.240503.3

working in progress

:+1: and sometimes I think too much; maybe a different color for the icon when pincode is needed might be useful.

Or a lock icon!

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I replace the exclamation mark with a default icon with a camera or photo

Then it could be possible to use a 100% transparent image as a default when id is available and image not…? I keep on trying.

Yes is possible, monday i release update for this

With no image you mean url is empty or url is invalid?

I will test this tomorrow to be sure.

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It looks like Ring app takes a snapshot every 30 sec to image folder. I’ve set widget to 5 sec but still the 30 sec interval. Do you next to retrieve image also trigger taking snapshot or is this the ring app that does this?

Tested this wil ns panel and ios. same result. No empty image like @Amersfoort reports. Only when motion is detected and page refresh/ change it gives the transparent image icoon and takes some time for showing image.

Disable motion control in ring disables capture snapshot for some reason… :man_facepalming:
Smartdash is in this example very fast in presenting a full white image, probably the 5 sec interval.

It all points to get a more open Doorbell brand unfortunately.

I only take latestUpdated image in images list, filtered by owner and add to it a timestamp for forcing refresh

There is a difference between Ring, making snapshots every x seconds without running a flow, and for example Sonos album arts. After Sonos app restart or Homey restart no image is available until starting manually Spotify music on Sonos, causing this exclamating mark as long Sonos/Spotify is not playing again.
I can see someting similar happens with RSS app reader, showing related pictures.

When no Sonos/Spotify image visible on Homey, because Sonos is not playing and has been reset: in Homey Images there is an id and url. To make it more complex: clicking on this url opens a web page only saying: {“error”:“Invalid Image Source”,“error_description”:“Invalid Image Source”,“stack”:“Error: Invalid Image Source\n at Remote Process\n”,“statusCode”:null,“statusName”:“Error”}

Information in Homey Images about Sonos not displaying an image. The url changes after each app reboot:

‘81a42f75-64de-451f-860b-7df0ae24b608’: n {
__athom_api_type: ‘HomeyAPI.ManagerImages.Image’,
id: ‘81a42f75-64de-451f-860b-7df0ae24b608’,
ownerUri: ‘homey:app:com.sonos’,
url: ‘/api/image/81a42f75-64de-451f-860b-7df0ae24b608’,
lastUpdated: 1714804392525

The full path is in this example:
https://[local Homey url with hyphen].homey.homeylocal.com/api/image/81a42f75-64de-451f-860b-7df0ae24b608

Changing the track: the Homey internal image url is the same, but clicking on this url in Homey images opens a web page with a different url and album art.

OK url is present and valid but is not an image.
If i replace esclamation with a placeholder?


:blush: :joy:

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… or just an empty/transparent image; widget is empty and doesn’t show anything, even no placeholder.
When needed: placeholder with 100% transparency.

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or more serious; Same as Homey: https://my.homey.app/assets/default_album_art-0bdaffa9.png

Please make it generic, not for Sonos only. For example a Homey RSS reader app can have similar behaviour.