[Pro][Dashboard] SmartDash - a dashboard for Homey

v 0.240502.3

  • Fixed undefined variables
  • Optimized image refresh

Looks like refresh is better, but still 5 undefined after 60 min in HomeyImage and iframe. end of the list

v 0.240502.4

  • Fixed undefined variables
  • Optimized image refresh

Fixed :tada::blush:

@diapolon Looks like image retrieval (refreshing) from ring also triggering taking new snapshot what is very nice! Only when motion is detected retrieval is paused (errors) and it takes some time to get the image. Is this the Ring app or something else?

I think ring app take more time to store the screenshot, the error image is visible when image load has an error

I must say that I have experienced errors before with the image retrieval in ring app. Sometimes I have to click multiple times on update snapshot before it works.

In NsPanel Pro I don’t get the error triangle any more, just a transparent background, or no picture at all in that motion case

Maybe when smart dash get the image they still don’t exist, have you tried to set refresh more slowly?

Can try that, but for this doorbell feature it needs to be as fast as it can get. Think its the limitation Ring has like it also doesn’t support rtsp unfortunately.

But happy with what you have made so far! Can watch with some delay who is at my front door :blush:

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Can you take a look at iframe screensaver refresh time. It looks like it is always 1 min whatever value you setup.

I m definitely interested in the link with macrodroid, i m using it to automate some parts my phone quite some time, so i hyve the paid version

Example of MarcoDroid receiving a caller name in a phone call and sending to Homey and SmartDash:

  • get on Homey Developer Tools your Homey cloudid
  • create in MacroDroid on your Andrfoid device a new macro. Steps:
  1. Trigger: Incoming phone call
  2. Action: GET HTTP-request. URL:
  • fixed: https://webhook.homey.app/
  • your cloudid found above
  • custom name you can define yourself (needed when you want to define one or multiple HTTP requests on the same cloudid/Homey device), in this case telefoongesprek
  • tag you can select from predefined MarcoDroid variables with blue search button, in this case call_name
https://webhook.homey.app/your cloud id/telefoongesprek?tag={call_name}

  1. create an Advanced flow starting with receiving a Webhook event. Type in manually the eventname defined in URL, in this case telefoongesprek

4. this webhook contains one variable: a tag, which is the value you defined in tag={call_name} (so, it’s the name of the caller)
5. Finally (but not mandatory), you can save this in a Homey variable and show this in SmartDash.

Another example I made is, that Sonos speakers are muted on a incoming phone call.

v 0.240503.1

Optimized refresh in WidgetClock, WidgetIframe, WidgetVirtualCamera, WidgetHomeyImage

The 2 final things about refresh on Android tablet:

  • “instance in Homey exists, but is empty (no image): show an empty/transparent wizard content on end-user screen”. When refreshing with 5 seconds interval, there was no image and after 5 seconds there still is no image: blinking widget (frame/border) and a little image in top left (broken image icon?).
  • still exclamation marks after panel switch and intial start, not during next refreshes. Please tell me if it is not possible to solve this, than I won’t mention it anymore.

this is not possible because the widget is rendered before that the image as picked from gallery.
I can insert a placeholder image but when i complete the “variable control homey” it can be unnecessary because actually every panel is a new dashboard page (changing the panel load a new page), with the mod i need to unify the panel into one dashboard page (and changing the panel hide the others)

Yes probably the image is broken (corrupted or not completed writed).
I try to manage when there is no image

When Ring create the snapshot, the id is the same but lastUpdated is changed? Right?
If yes it’s correct to update the image only if lastUpdated is modified

The Id is the same but the lastUpdated value too. I have checked, and this is the date/time of the last app restart regardless how many snapshot I make!
The same for Sonos: after changing the track, id and lastUpdated remain te same (after album art has changed). So, I doubt if lastUpdate does the job for you…
Please try it youself on your Homey (hopefully your have the same conclusion).

Sonos example after rebooting Homey:

‘7d6d97bd-be70-432c-a594-97a9abb97a5d’: n {
__athom_api_type: ‘HomeyAPI.ManagerImages.Image’,
id: ‘7d6d97bd-be70-432c-a594-97a9abb97a5d’,
ownerUri: ‘homey:app:com.sonos’,
url: ‘/api/image/7d6d97bd-be70-432c-a594-97a9abb97a5d’,
lastUpdated: 1714736957981

OK, in the latest update i have added a control for checking the last update change, try if it work correct otherwise i remove control.
In random mode i have add a check for the same image, now it’s a real random

Looks like image is not updating anymore, only on load page.