[Pro][Dashboard] SmartDash - a dashboard for Homey

Could you give a little more explanation about the new options. Is it possible to refresh more often, like 5 seconds. The user can decide if the load is too heavy e.g. doorbell ringing or change of music track.

Ok i add more value for refreshing.
I have added 2 options:

  1. the first is the way of choosing the image from owner: latest updated or random
  2. the way to rendering the image to fit the widget: preserve that aspect ratio or stretch up and take up as much space as possible

v 0.240502.2


  • Re-enable timestamp for correct refreshing
  • Add ability in HomeyImage for choose the image format (contain, cover, etc)
  • Add ability to choosing the image by owner (latest, random)

HomeyImage, VirtualCamera, Iframe

  • Added more values for refreshing: Note: needs to be fixed and syncronize to data polling


  • Insert the list of panels in autoswitch
  • Added panels setting in settings page

No increase but there are around 500 users:
Android: 225
iPhone: 233

I can make a widget for this, for sending some device infos to a Homey variable. Homey does the rest

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When I go to the panels settings in option Settings; it says undefined. Also when i click on the 'Undefined. Then I see twice Indefined :slight_smile:
Apart from that :+1: like the change

I miss a thing :unamused:

you want too fast :thinking: :grin:

There is something wrong with the refresh time in this version. iframe widgets get a refresh after 5 sec, even with refresh at disabled.

Notisching this because the I’m weather widget is a long animation, and it is getting into bad weather here at the moment :umbrella:

Thanks will give MacroDroid a test, how do you control it from homey? I don’t see a MacroDroid homey app in Appstore to control it.

I’m using NSPanel Pro Tools at my NSPanel Pro at the moment for controlling brightness control in 3 steps and the proximity sensor on it what works great. Reading on GitHub that in version 2.2 there will be a option to wakeup screen by MQTT.

I have miss some translate variables, in english it’s ok

Open widget and set correct value, for insert second i have changed units

So your only running Fully Kiosk Browser and Homey-app Dashboard controller next to SmartDash to control things on the tablet/ NSPanel?

Thanks again for the update! Yet there is still room for improvement.

I know you still have to do something about the refresh rate, but I now sometimes have a flashing exclamation mark on the images, visible for a few seconds. Can you still do something about this?

It is also an idea that when the image is refreshed, you compare the image visible on the screen with the image to be retrieved from Homey Images (with base64?). If there is no difference between the two images, then the image should not be refreshed; this prevents the screen from flashing (refreshing).

In the Dutch version, a number of choices have the value “undefnied”; this is due to the lack of Dutch translations. There are Dutchies on this forum (including myself) who occasionally want to update the Dutch translation.

MacroDroid is a paid Android app. I think the app store is missing on NSPanel, so I don’t think that combination is feasible.
Let me know if anybody is interested in the link between MarcoDroid and Homey. A lot of Android sensors and information can be exchanged between Android and Homey via webhooks and Homey advanced flows. Example: the name or number of an incoming phone call can be used in Homey.

check, needed to toggle it between values. now it works

I add base language in github for updating it

Yes, on a Android-tablet. For me perfect combination. Sounds a bit like the app you refer to for the NS Panel.

On some other devices I use Tasker but that I use only for battery% sending to Homey. So I can control the charging proces by using smart sockets.

read now; no different. it looks like it replaces the OS of the NS Panel (?). And only see something about controling it with HA. Maybe side project for @diapolon :slight_smile: to control the NS-Panel by Homey :grin: If so, let me know → i will buy one too :blush: :joy: