[Pro][Dashboard] SmartDash - a dashboard for Homey

Like that?

do you mean the tablet battery?

Right observation, i add it in first topic (if I don’t forget) but maybe I have to create a page on github

I think you do best with the github, defining date and status related to the entry. In opening post you can refer to github.
There are many ideas, but with the increasing popularity of SmartDash, I fear many of those comments are being lost.

Instead of GitHub you could also use apps like Trello (and link to it on the webpage for SmartDash :blush: :grin:)

Or just Google forms where the user can fill in Bug or wish or … :joy:

@diapolon you attracted some enthusiastic and busy users indeed (number of posts in last month must be the highest in this community). Wondering: do you see more downloads?

Yes indeed

I was thinking in this screen:

And when On for each panel a line with:
Panel# , mode: the dropdownlist (standard or ignore) The list you already have in panel.

Ah ok, yes is possible!

In next update i try to made several changes:

  1. re-enable timestamp in HomeyImage for correct refreshing
  2. add some field in HomeyImage for choose the image fit (contain, cover, etc) and the mode for choosing the image by owner (latest, random, ?)
  3. show list of panels in autoswitch from panels setting.
  4. add panels setting in settings page

After this i resume development of panel control by variable

Not for me personal but I think the pin-code for settings is getting more and more important. As settings is now directly available in top.

Wish for that is: that it would be possible to use pin and set a certain time period in which settings can be used without the need to entering pin again.

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Yes, you are right!

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I have created a github repository for bug and feature request, see first post

I think GitHub has one disadvantage; you need to have account. But in this case I will make account :slight_smile:

Can I make a proposal regarding Github?
Github is a great tool for centrally recording wishes and problems, but also offers the opportunity for additional comments/discussions.

It would be nice to share all ideas and discussions on this Homey forum (this prevents discussions taking place on two locations), and for the developer/owner of the SmartDash app to record and maintain the conclusions from those discussions themselves in Github. All users can then read what the functionalities and associated statuses are, without an additional Github account.

@diapolon Do you have an option to make Github for your site readonly for other users?

It’s correct! I check if is possible :sweat_smile:

It seems like it can’t be done

Something like this?

ah ok you say to only report the proposals and maintain the interactions here on the forum


  • Discussions, ideas, suggestions, bugs, screendumps on this Homey SmartDash forum
  • The conclusion, feasibility, short functional description, screendumps (if needed), status, priority only you can maintain on Github. SmartDash users and fans can read (no insert, update or delete) your Github.

We have some backlog to clear. I can help for my ideas lately, if desired.

I do not disagree but problem remains; only it is not in first topic but in Github

oh and to forget is human

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