[Pro][Dashboard] SmartDash - a dashboard for Homey

@diapolon do you also experience that smart clock is rebooting after a while into launcher and you need to manual start Smartdash again?

Yes, i think it close app after some time!

Image in homey:

Smartdash (HomeyImage) but no image

And virtual camera where image is showing

Do they both work?

Maybe the image is saved in binary?

v 0.240430.6

  • Maybe i have fixed, i read the image by javascript and convert it in base64 and pass it to img tag

Seems not the fix, sorry. Seeing a ? At last update now

Waited for the download and tested it. But same result.
With HomeyImage → no image (only your warning sign)
With VirtualCamera → the image (the qr-code) is showing

In setting the server url is writed like in virtualcamera link? Because i use it as base link

Suggestion to solve the image issue.

Extend the existing VirtualCamera widget with some new options:

  • Option (radio button) Static or Dynamic
  • If static is selected:
    • User can fill in Url like the current behaviour, OR
    • User can select from your new “Image Id” dropdown. If user selects an Id, the Url (existing field) will be generated automatically
    • Disable (read only) “Image Owner URI” dropdown and disable Url if “Image Id” has been filled in
  • If dynamic is selected:
    • User can select from your existing “Image Owner URI” dropdown, the Url (existing field) will be generated automatically each refreshing cycle, based on the found Image Id related to “Image Owner URI”
    • Disable (read only) “Image Id” dropdown and disable (read only) Url

Advantages of this solution could be:

  • Usage of proven technology of VirtualCamera with Url
  • No extra widget like HomeyImage needed
  • You can check if the image path is right

Refresh of Virtual Camera image and url id dynamic option has been chosen:

  • each refreshing cycle (in minutes if activated)
  • SmartDash app startup
  • app reactivation (device screen goes on)
  • if possible and nice to have: click/tap on image in end user screen will refresh immediately

Perhaps needless to say, but Url consists of:

  • Local Url defined in SmartDash Setup → Homey pro: replace dots with hyphen.
    NOTE: on my device only a https works and not http. In my case becomes https://192-168-2-40
  • Concatenate this with fixed part .homey.homeylocal.com/api/image/
  • Concatenate this with Image Id found above, in my case

Finally the url would be in this example:


I hope this can contribute to the solution.

Yes the problem is the http protocol, if you use connection by cloud it should work, or using https local,
Need to enable unsecure protocol for use http direct link (with android is possible, with apple not)

This is present

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@diapolon My “Unsecure certificates” option is On on my Android 11 tablet device. Can I help in any way?

This option is for another problem, https connection with auto self certificate

I can solve the http problem, i have two solution for it, the first is reading the image with the library with i make the connection at homey and return the data in base64 and the second enabling the http protocol by code.
The first method work in all platform but use more memory because the image is loaded in memory. The second should work only in android

In you use
As server it work with current app

Is the current option for VirtualCamera widget with an Url (http and https) working on Android and Ios? If yes, I would pick this solution.
I do not have enough technical knowledge for giving an answer on protocols and base64 solutions.

Not, virtualcamera has the same problem if you use an http url, is the os that block http protocol

The two widget are the same, the only change is how is create the image url

I would say, use the steps from [Pro][Dashboard][Android][iOS] SmartDash - a dashboard for Homey - #1158 by Amersfoort .
It is an extension of the existing functionality, and it will work like the existing VirtualCamera. Give it a chance.