[Pro][Dashboard] SmartDash - a dashboard for Homey

Oh, sorry. :blush:

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@diapolon Anything we can do to help to get the homey image widget working??

Maybe i found the problem.
I also tested direct image selection and it works (i have created a list with owner_id and image_id)

Now I have to make option for select by last update owner or by a direct selection

Stay tuned

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v 0.240430.4

  • Fixed this “Is it possible, that when I push the new config button in the end user panel, I get all widgets of that specific panel. Currently I always have to choose the panel first.

I’m trying this with my ring app installed, but only I get is a loading circle. Image Owner URI field is empty. Do I need to configure something at Homey side?

I have had the same. Close SmartDash from memeory, reopen and try again.

Still exclamation mark, even after waiting some minutes (refresh every minute)

During first startup of updated version there was an alart about backup variable.

the circle is because smartdash is retrieving the image list, as soon as it’s finished it updates the select list.

try to select direct image by id

with ns panel pro? maybe it’s too slow, in need to update list with a delay

No difference with Image Id.
Trying second or third time after SmartDash startup, the blue waiting circle stays on my midrange tablet. After a fresh restart of app, no waiting circle, and good performance during the retrieve of image data.

Can I debug to see the used url?

NSPanel Pro and smartclock same issue. I have waited 5 minutes now and restarted the app multiple time, but Image Owner URI is still empty.

@Amersfoort my Image section in developer is empty, only default image, can it have something to do with this that I need to do something in Homey?
Schermafbeelding 2024-04-30 om 18.02.57

Im releasing an update with more delay…
Try in ns panel

delay helped, loading ring is gone and can select things on panel pro and clock now!

Install or use Homey apps working with images. Install and setup Knmi app KNMI App voor Homey | Homey . This app produces some images.

But still no photo, also when I choose the dummy image in Image ID section.

Some image are svg or other structured object

Tomorrow i try to manage they

So it looks you got the image from ring working on android tablet?

No, I mean retrieving meta data during setup of the widget.