[Pro][Dashboard] SmartDash - a dashboard for Homey

Ok, for simplicity and future expansion i made a new widget. Update is in release, check if it work!

The widget is like virtualCamera but instead of the url you must enter owner app.
It filter the homey image list by owner app and show the last updated

Thank you for the improvements!

Some feedback:

  • buttons in the main toolbar further apart :+1:
  • extra button for settings screens, and no scrolling in user forms :+1:
  • extra buttons for panels and widgets to customize CSS instead of scrolling to screen bottom :+1:
  • buttons adding a new widget smaller and sorted alphabetically :+1: . 3 more suggestions:
    1. after selecting a Widget type, I get a subscreen, but Add button is not working anymore in this subscreen
    2. Make a short description; several widgets don’t have a description
    3. Make widget buttons half high (again); no need for super large buttons. Same for devices screen: all device logos are the same. What is the added value of these logos?
  • transparent colorselector in LightRGB :+1:
  • Is it possible, that when I push the new config button in the end user panel, I get all widgets of that specific panel. Currently I always have to choose the panel first.
  • pushing the new ellipsis, but not selecting one of options behind this button: the popup doesn’t disappear.
  • new LightRGB widget not tested yet (no access)

Do you have any other plans in user interface?
Yes I’m asking a lot, but I have the impression you can do a lot. Your work is highly appreciated.

I made a mistake in previous update, check in playstore shold by a new update for fix it (.2).

various answers

Would it be possible to also choose a 'local’image (where local is the device SmartDash is running)?

When I type in homey:app:com.amazon.ring as an OwnerUri: an exclamationmark as a result, even after restart of SmartDash. The Ring image is available in the Homey images directory with that name. Refresh is one minute. Suggestions?

On first start it show a exclamation mark because the image are empty.
After the system update img url with url from Homey image list.
I tried and with development system dont’work always, it is not a direct link to the image but a redirect to image.
Try if enabling unsecure certificates in settings/system solve it

EDIT: i have tried in Android and iPhone with an image created by KNMI app and it work.

I need to see how to do it, you need the local path of the image or a selector from the gallery (for getting the image path).
A workaround can be to use an http server in tablet like this

The local path you canb get from the Files-app (like above)

What is the OwnerUri from KNMI and how can I know what are others I can use (for instance Gallery-app)

No luck. Unsecure certificated has already been enabled.
When I use an unknown OwnerUri the last sync time (buttom of widget) shows a question mark. A known OwnerUri show the last sync time. So something happens. The Ring image seems to be a jpg file. KNMI uses png and gif. That could be a difference, but I can’t see them either.

@Hielke_de_Jong One of the OwnerUri’s of KNMI is homey:app:nl.lrvdlinden.knmi-weerwaarschuwing. You can find the images on https://tools.developer.homey.app/tools/images

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Nice, even in 2x2 format.

Also not working here (tried different images). @Amersfoort thanks; that was a part f Homey I did not enter yet.

in next update i retrieve automatically the owern list, it’s more simple

would it be possible to choose a image (next to the choice to choose images last updated)?

I tried, with oldest android version it is possible to use relative url, with newest is not possible.
The best option is serve it by http: Or by http server in tablet or in homey, or by homey image list!

By homey image list would be fine with me :slight_smile:

I used the latest because ring change the id

Yes I understand and because of that I imagine a choice between “use latest” and “use this image”. So I can choose every image from the app “Gallery” - not only the last updated).

But first it needs to work anyway :grin:

it was referring to @Hielke_de_Jong