[Pro][Dashboard] SmartDash - a dashboard for Homey

Yes This can be a very good solution for homey image! :+1::+1:

v 0.240501.1

  • Used the idea of @Amersfoort for convert base url…check if now it work!

Not working :disappointed_relieved:. Tried with “Image Id” and “Image Owner URI” and creating a new HomeyImage instance .

How can I check the Url used? As a final suggestion: I would say create it fully as described in my post this early morning, than you can see the generated url.

Note: I can see images on Homey using Homey Developer Tools which seem to be an image, but using the images, Homey url opens actually an external url. This is the case for album art Sonos speakers playing a Spotify tune and others.
The Ring doorbell which saves an image locally on Homey is not working either.

This works perfectly:

Can you try with cloud connection? Im not a home and i havent tryed the new url construct, I may have made a mistake.
Yes, need to write the url complete for debugging,
I change it!
Mergin the two widget require some time, fist i want make to work :sweat_smile:

What do you mean with the question above? Please know that I’m not a developer.

If you add the cloud_id (Settings → Homey Pro) and at Smartdash startup you choose “cloud”, it make an https connection with homey cloud. It should work (I checked and it work on iphone and android)

YES!!! :+1:That’s working, even for images not saved on Homey itself such as the Sonos/Spotify album art.
Please tell me, when you have time, the (dis-)advantages of local vs. cloud combined with SmartDash. Performance?

Local work without internet and the performance are the best, cloud is usable when you are away from home but need the internet and the homey cloud working!
I use both, local when i’m at home and on nspanel (is at home!) and cloud when i’m away from home

I had every widget ‘genericlight’ set up with their own custom CSS. (screenshot 3)

See screenshot 3 for the individual CCS
I deleted all the custom CSS per widget and put it in panel CSS (screen2)

Bur for some reason the .on does not work. See screen 1.

The first button (kitchen) has the CSS in the widget. All the others don;t have CSS on widget level.

because .on need to concatenate to .widget.genericlight

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v 0.240501.2

Preview image works, but only with cloud connection.
The same for the images on end user screens. Could other SmartDash users test this too?

I’ll have to try when i’m at home

Now release an update with the url writed

same here

v 0.240501.3

  • Used the idea of @Amersfoort for convert base url…check if now it work!
  • Added a preview of selected image
  • Added url of selected image

Let’s see what url is printed :crossed_fingers:

Did a screenshot and the hostname in the URL is not resolvable:


Replace the dots in the IP with dashes and it’s resolvable.
Though I wouldn’t want to rely on a hostname like that for local things - since if the internet is down it won’t be able to resolve it anyway…

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Can you explain? it is a internal network ip. Why it will not work without internet??

Argh, i have replaced only first “.”"


Since it relies on a DNS server to resolve 172-16-0-159.homey.homeylocal.com into an IP - if the DNS network is not available the resolution will not work. And it’s not available if internet doesn’t exist/work.