[Pro][Dashboard] SmartDash - a dashboard for Homey

This is a nice expansion of all the existing options. Tested and it works for me!

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I have tested the RGB option (v 0.240424.1) with my Govee LED strip, but the strip stops/turns off when I use the RGB slider. Only after an power unplug the strip is alive again. Now I see there is a new v 0.240424.3. What are the differences/improvements?

Love the ability to switch page from variable! Is it also possible to awake NsPanel when variable != 0 ?

Maybe your device donā€™t support all rgb value? I donā€™t have any rgb light, i tested only with virtual device

Awake the display? In my nspanel i have set to never display timeout

Yes display, I like to getting it to go off after some while. Think that it will extent the lifespane of the display maybe and gives a clean look when not being used.

It require the foreground permission enable.
When I have some time Iā€™ll see if it can be done

Whit css should by enlarged, try to change width and height of canvas.

.content canvas { width: 90vw; height: 30vh }

Like this

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Tested the latest version now. I think it works more or less as expected, though the bottom slider does not seem to set intensity, in fact it seems to do nothing at all. Itā€™s set with a value thatā€™s coming from the device, but canā€™t change the value on the device when changed.
On/Off on the bulb also seems to have some issue - I think it turned it on, but off wonā€™t work.

Note on the white/temperature slider - to the left I get cold white and to the right itā€™s warm white. Maybe that can be added just as color is shown on the slider for color?

Also, this is probably CSS - but it would be nice if it always shows the color scale across the entire slider and we just move the ā€œknobā€ backand forth. Sort of like on Color slider - Spectrum CSS

Edit: The bulb not working seems to be my phone - on the NSPanelPro it works. Slider still doesnā€™t take changes though

Do you have some page that details all the possible css values? Like for the newly added RGB lights as an example.

In second post are some example.
Lightrgb is like a genericlight but is a working progress :sweat_smile:

Thanks, this works! For my IT knowledge: what do these values 90 en 30 mean? Percentages, pixels, proportionsā€¦?

Vw e vh are the viewport width and viewport height.
90vw is 90% of device width, 30vh is 30% of device height

Maybe step 0.01 is too short?

Donā€™t know if 0.01 is too small an increment. Maybe it is. Maybe set it from 0 to 100 and divide by 100 before sending? How is it done on the normal light control? There it works.

Is the same, homey accept value from 0 to 1 with a step of 0.01
Dim, hue, saturation and temperature use same rules.
I need to check the code, i may have made some mistakes.
I sent direct value from range input, i convert it to percentage or color for more readably.
For the temperature i need to create the css color gradient, for hue is more simple, css has a function for it

I restored onoff for lightrgb and make some adjustment but itā€™s necessary others fix.
In iphone, for example, if i move the slider and then release it seem work correct. If i click in a random position of the slider it donā€™t work, the event isnā€™t triggered.
This in a virtual device

I think every device has a min and max value, is necessary check the capabilities specs

I found the cause of a glitch in range sliderā€¦ When you set a value homey acquires the value after a few seconds So during poll it may happen that you have the previous value. (with faster poll more noticeable it is)
I should pause the poll process and restart after the setCapability is complete

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Congrats @diapolon with post 1000 for your very nice app. I have managed to make a good readable graph/insight. For me finally the CSS .content canvas (width: 475px} with dimensions 6x3 on a tablet worked the best. The horizontal and vertical ratio seems to be fixed.