[Pro][Dashboard] SmartDash - a dashboard for Homey

You can’t because genericCapability react only at onoff capability but i can make a modify for react a boolean capability.

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This is the reason why i have reset the variable at zero, if i don’t how can I understand if the value I find is a new state or not?
Actually before to change panel is necessary press an virtualbutton for resetting panel

If possible (at least what I think) it would be best if the user choices a pannel in the app itself, the variable should be set by the app in Homey to the pannel-number.

That way the value of the variable should always be the same as active pannel.

OK, can be a challenge if it is set to automatically switching :thinking:

It necessary to understand how it should work:
If the highlighted panel it should remain visible until interacted with the system, Then it’s okay to stop the screensaver and the autoswitch until the user make an action.

if instead the screensaver and the autoswitch are only reset is necessary to understand the behavior when the pause end: The highlight are dismiss or need to show again?

This was my initial thought. I will use a Homey countdown timer to reset the “panel variable” to 0 if the countdown timer ends. This is how I can assure the auto switch / screensaver will get back after a certain amount of time.

An app enhancement could be that when a panel variable is chosen, you also have to set a reset timeramount. When set to 0, the app won’t reset the variable by itself (except after any user interaction). And otherwise the auto switch and screensaver are activated again after the timer expires.

It is a possibility!

For simplicity i can add a configurable timeout and force the reset when manual change panel or go to setting section

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Played around a bit with the RGB widget. Can’t get my head really around how this is supposed to work - not in SmartDash - but in general with the lights.
If I enter color mode the light_hue channel does let me swap color as expected. But things become more complicated when swapping to temperature mode (through Homey app since you have not added it, yet I assume).

Swapping around between colors I’ve even managed to get the light_hue bar to disapear from the app so that only saturation remains.

I put the widget up in 5x5 on a NSPanelPro. Anything about 4 in width on the NSPanel seems to all yield the same width - about half the panel in width. Maybe I’m doing something wrong in the setup of the devices?

No, in this test version i haven’t format the lightrgb widget! The system hide/resize the widget by dimension, for lightrgb i need to adapt some things, for now use a large dimension like 9x5
I actually added only hue and saturation. These capabilities are ok with light mode color?

It’s not easy to grasp if it works right or notnsince all the references i can find justballows toneither adjust color or white temperature, thenbthey handle hue temperature and saturation internally.

I made a test.
If mode is color need use light_hue, if is temperature need use light_temperature.
Saturation should be indipendent.
I undestand if the mode is temperature and i set light_hue the mode switch automatically in color

Yeah, that tracks with the tests I’ve done. Though I can’t confirm it works the other way around. Instead I got a yellow/reddish white and could see both white and rgb leds being on at the same time.

My thoughts:

There are three choices to change panel.

  1. Flow in Homey (change the value of the variable)
  2. Manually change the panel in SmartDash (in top)
  3. Autoswitch-function in SmartDash

Ad 1. If flow is used, you can also use flow to change panel again. Not possible now to change it to return to ‘Autoswitch’ Could be solved by using 0 to tell Smartdash resume Autoswitching

Ad 2. If manually changed in SmartDash, I think best option is to set the variable to value of panel (so it will not switch back to the value set in a flow and in Homey you will see active panel too or 0 if autoswitch is working)

Ad 3. If autoswitch option is enabled and value of ‘Panel-choice’ is 0, then it should function. But if user changes panel in flow, value 0 should always be set to 0 again in a flow.

Screensaver should always function (if enabled). Wake up when panel is changed (is working now). And timer resets after switching panel by methodes 1 and 2

It seam that light_temperature is for white led. You confirm?

Yes, light temperature seems to control the white leds. At leaat with the limited testing I’ve done so far.
But setting it does not automatically shut off the RGB leds - at least not on Gledopto controllers.

Have you try changing the mode?

Through the homey app, yes. Couldn’t find a control for that in the widget. It will stay in color mode even if temperature is set - doing so will just give me a color blended with white.
Im sure that cheaper rgb/w would swap between the trowo, but these can do both at the same time.

Tomorrow i add mode and temperature capabilities in widget

Good point.
There’s something to think about

v 0.240424.3

  • Updated GenericCapability: now every boolean capability is managed like onoff capability
  • Updated GenericLight, GenericFan, BlindCurtain
  • Updated LightRGB with button for change mode

How to enlarge the Insight graph (horizontally and vertically)? Could the graph be resized automatically with the panel size?

My current lay-out in SmartDash:

Perhaps can you re-use some ideas from another Homey Dashboard app with the following Insight customization options:

Keep up your nice and hard work!