[Pro][Dashboard] SmartDash - a dashboard for Homey

Current version haven’t the ability to change screensaver css :sweat_smile:

like this(??)


I’ve been trying to make sense of the values I get from different color / white settings on an actual device - but no luck for me. I’m sure I could capture data if you need - though it seems the virtual device would be able to give much the same information as an actual device.

A note on the device screen in SmartDash - could be helpful with a refresh button on each device. If the device you want to observe is far down (or even worse, in the middle) in the list it takes a considerable time for repeat refreshes.

It is very useful for testing

Found usefull info

Yes, I found that too. And using the homey developer tools I can play around a bit quicker with the settings… CAn recommend using that on the device.
Seems you can always set all three.
Temperature will always set white balance
hue sets the color
and saturations allow to mix color and white

Without saturation - hue has no effect. With full saturation (1) then temperature and hur override eachother completely every time they’re set.
This is in color mode.

Can’t really see a difference between color and temperature mode - but I’m probably missing something.

I have to do some testing

v 0.240423.2

  • Added ability to control panel to show by a Homey numeric variable.
    If Homey variable is 0 the function is disabled. When variable as a value from 1 to 5 SmartDasg show the desired panel, reset screensaver and autoswitch and set the variable to 0. The polling time is 2sec
    Requires extensive testing.

Do you mean that right after you give focus to the panel the variable is automatically set to 0?

I find it more usefull to actively set the variable to 0 by pressing a button on the panel or via a manipulation of the variable within Homey (through a flow).

Yes, this is currently how it works :sweat_smile:
I can change it, minor resurce usage!

Bug found, i miss to check if a panel is enabled

“I find it more usefull to actively set the variable to 0 by pressing a button on the panel or via a manipulation of the variable within Homey (through a flow).”

When I read it I agreed but when testing; what is the difference. Putting it back to 0 has not an effect on wich panels is shown. But @diapolon why choose it to put it back to 0?

Testing now and thinking about what I am writing some other insights :grin:

I think it would be better to leave the value of the variable on the active pannel. Reason: it is possible to check what is the active pannel.
But question then is I think what do you do when the value is > 6. Then put it to zero???

  • When value = active pannel, changing the pannel in SmartDash should also set the variable to correspond with that pannel?

Bug found, i miss to check if a panel is enabled → With automatically switching it shows the empty pannels (but active)

Ok, why should you check if the panel is enabled, if the user choice is to show that pannel? Only when it does not have any widgets it is useless (I think)

I have reset the variable as confirmation of the operation.
But it’s no problem to have a virtualButton for it.

If the variabile is > 6 the routine don’t start, it is execute when variable is > 0, <=6 and != from current panel

I fixed the bug.
In coming version if panel is disabled or it has no widgets i skip it (in autoswitch and in homey control)

v 0.240423.4

I have a widget:
with my device VacuumCleaner and the variable BINFULL
that gives a true or false.

The value is displayed correct, but I cannot find the CSS to have the background of my widget change to red if the bin is full.

what code do I need to use ?

When I set the “panel variable”, the app keeps activating that panel. Even when i change to a different panel.

But switch response after change of variable is good.

So almost there.

You want to change the variable back to 0 in homey when the alarm is seen or disabled.