[Pro][Dashboard] SmartDash - a dashboard for Homey

  • Any chance of dimmable light just getting a simple on/off? (Right now i have to dim to 0 instead of just turning it off)

What is size of the widget and what happens if you make it bigger?

You can use a generic socket widget for your light. It will only offer switch on/off instead of setting the dimvalue.

This is because some weather api send a code for mapping an icon. Knmi and other no. I can remove icon or need other method for get an icon!

I dont have any of this device but if you can test i can develop the widget


How to rename contact sensors value true and false (variable: alarm_contact) to Open and Closed?

v 0.240422.2

  • Redesigned range slider
  • Fixed some range slider bugs
  • Aligned weather widget at screensaver

Hi, I think somewhere in V 0.240419.x a bug sneak in. The time in my clock-widget is not updating any more. Only when I refresh (not something I like doing every minute :smiley:).

I check at soon, maybe it’s a regression

v 0.240422.5

  • Redesigned range slider
  • Fixed some range slider bugs
  • Aligned weather widget at screensaver
  • Fixed widget clock regression. Thankyou @Hielke_de_Jong
  • New theme option (Mushroom like)

I’ll test it.
Maybe three sliders, one for intensity, one for rgb and one for cct

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4x4 and all that happened compared tobdefault size is more space around the slider.
Done really want another widget, should be possible to add that if you press outside the slider it just toggles on/off

First widget is the GenericLight (4x4) and shows the icon for switching on/off in front of the slider (depending on size it will show the on/off). Second widget is the GenericCapability for the same light with only on/off.

I hope this helps finding your best solution (I use Smatdash on a tablet and not very sure how NSPanel reacts on the size of the widget)

Have to agree I missed that part. It does work being able to do RGB/CCT is still on the wishlist though

It would surprise me if @diapolon will not have a test-version for that very soon :smiley:

I made a new theme option

I’m study.
Setting RGB values is like setting dim value, only the range of values changes.
Is not difficulty, the capabilities should be these: light_hue, light_saturation, light_temperature and light_mode.
I need a semple data!

How can I provide that? I’m eager to :slight_smile:

In an ideal world - we’d get controls that show the color - such as this one 2.4G remote control for RGBCCT lighting 6-channel MiLight - Gledopto , 14,99 €

The color wheel could be a slider as well - and then a slider for white temperature and a slider for intensity (percentage of power used basically).

No no, i meant a json sample data, not a real device :joy:
Anyway homey virtual device has the ability to create it, i can create a prototype

I undestand, let’s see what can be done

I’m playing around a lot with it now - is it possible to change the background of the screensaver? I can’t find a CSS option for it - and hacking the export didn’t help.

Lovely app otherwise - it’s basically what convinced me to get the NSPanelPro :smiley:
(btw, ordered it yesterday and it arrived today)