[Pro][Dashboard] SmartDash - a dashboard for Homey

I do not think I completely follow you.

Yes I can setup in SmartDash a device. In SmartDash there is no difference between virtual devices and real devices only the kind of devices you need for the specific Widgets. As you can see in the widget GenericCapability; you see also 'non-virtual’devices from Homey. In other words Smartdash does not care if your homey device is real or not. It just needs different capabilities to use them for widgets.

So depending on what kind of device (or in Homey: type) you can use a widget or you cannot use it.

It is possible that some capabilities are not possible (yet) in SmartDash. Then I think it is best to share that capability and ask if that can be added.

As to the widget in SmartDash ‘Virtual button’; it is not a device in Homey. So for Smartdash it is virtual. This widget in SmartDash controls not a device from Homey but can control a flow or set a variable. Both works great by the way.

So best way: make sure you have a device (maybe with the app Group) for your lights and then use that device for SmartDash (I think).

Homey Virtual Devices create an empty device. You need to use a flow (or homeyscript?) for setting the capabilities values.

When you have populate it the first time, the capability is available and visible in SmartDash

Virtual Device 1

I just did the same but chosen every capability. After restarting SmartDash I can choose my fake light in the light widget.

Made the setup with the Virtual Device app version 1.2.3 in Homey in Dutch and in English. Made a Lamp device, checked all capabilities, but not visable in light widget.
Could you please make screen dumps of your setup steps? Thanks in advance.

v 0.240419.2

if you think the description is incorrect you can send a better description :sweat_smile:

some typo’s :slight_smile:
In Weather:

  • widget show → shows
  • it says width → with
    In GenericAlert;
  • that show → shows
  • create → creates
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Argh big errors :sweat_smile:

@diapolon After some DM’s we discover you are right :blush: :smiley:

But when you choose the device in Homey it looks like the device is On. But the capability is empty it seems. So bij just turning it on and off in Homey the capabilities appear in SmartDash.

Hint for next users: check devices in SmartDash :blush:

v 0.240419.3

  • Fixed typo errors

I happened there too :sweat_smile:

Google store cannot keep up with you :slight_smile:

Publish time in playstore is 1hour :blush:

Thanks, the horizontal lines I googled. You can manipulate the border color separate I found.


border-color: red green blue yellow; /* red top, green right, blue bottom and yellow left */

And made it into this for the Nspanel:

.content {border: 2px; border-style: solid; border-color: transparent transparent white transparent; border-radius: 0; box-shadow: none; background: transparent}

I also use the Virtual Devices app for all my virtual scene triggers or automation modes.
I set them up as wall outlet (stopcontact) with on/off properties.

This works as a GenericSocket in Smartdash what does the job for me.

I have added some extra CSS examples that I have used, because I saw that @diapolon added my post in the top examples.

I’m not a CSS expert, but this is my hacky way of doing it what maybe will help some people.


Thanks; and now (after a rest period of 1 day) some questions :blush: :smiley:

  • It looks like you take 2 of the capabilities to use in the device (?)
  • would it be possible user can choose the capabilities so fr instance I can use it for the forecast? With widget Gene… you only can choose one.
  • regarding the icon: is it possible to choose the icon myself? Like in other widgets (or show no icon at all and have more room for info)?

Please see this item below (site needed: Material Design Icons

Just type in the icon name manually, found on the Material Design Icons site!

Thanks I know, but in weather-widget there is no icon to be set by user. This widget uses a icon provides by the device. But KNMI-app does not use an icon for the weather. So in SmartDash there is now the cloud icon with ? in it. Now I checked multiple times :slight_smile:

I just ordered the nspanel pro and this seems the best option, aside from just running the homey app.

A couple of things:

  • Any chance of dimmable light just getting a simple on/off? (Right now i have to dim to 0 instead of just turning it off)
  • any plans for RGB-CCT support as can be used in the Homey app?

Thanks forba great project otherwise!
Any chance of this being on GitHub or similar so I can contribute the features I want?