[Pro][Dashboard] SmartDash - a dashboard for Homey

v 0.240418.2

  • Optimized the dashboard rendering
  • Some fixing in screensaver settings
  • Fixed regression in ThermostatWidget

Hi again

I added the YR weather forecast app in Homey and installed the device.

When I try to create a weather tile, I don’t get any options in the device dropdown. Is there a bug or am I missing something?

Hi, try if it work in screensaver. If yes i need to add provider in widget. If not, send a screenshot of this device capabilities


It was not in the Screensaver dropdown either.

Here are the screenshots:

Tomorrow i add it!

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@diapolon I like your SmartDash app more and more. Keep up the good work!
I am inspired by the lay-out @Robinjo created for his device. As a CSS newbie I would like to have more information about how things are done, such as horizontal lines and custom icons. More CSS code examples, with an explanation what is happening, are appreciated (I know the examples in the opening post). How can I make dependencies. Example: when I turn off one of the lights, the button “turn ON all lights” should be turned OFF. Or should I make this with the Homey virtual devices and flows?

Some suggestions for future release:

  • CSS templates for panels and widgets. I am making quite a lot of buttons. Now when I want to change the lay-out of all buttons, I have to change the CSS separately for each button.
  • possibility to move an existing widget to another panel.
  • I would like to be able to choose from more icons; show icons from a website, and after selection incorporate the icon in a widget

Hi, thankyou :slight_smile:

For custom CSS as soon i add more example. Soon i add it in SmartDash directly.

Some answers:

You can group CSS by widget type in panel CSS:


.dashboard .widget.clock .content { background: url("$image.jpg") no-repeat center center; background-size: cover }

With this code all widget Clock have the same background

Is in todo list

You can manual change an icon (where is supported), you can choose from here:

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I think it’s easier with a flow :sweat_smile:

Nice! Could you document these very nice options, or is it my lack of CSS knowledge? All the technical names of the widgets types are the same as the lowercase widget type names?

Just type in the icon name manually, found on the Material Design Icons site!

Where can I find this todo list?

in first topic, but i deleted this feature by mistake, i re-added

yes, i added list in second post of topic!

Awesome, thanks :ok_hand:

And 2 other requests :smiley:

Would it be possible to have a widget for showing a picture (png/jpeg)? I would like to share my guest-wifi this way. Or is it possible with virtual Camera (I tried but I could not get it to show hte picture on the tablet).

The widget Timeline seems to have a lot of space under the title and in the bottom which is not used. Is it possible to use more space for the timeline?

v 0.240419.1

  • Added support for Ys Forecast and KNMI in Screensaver and WeatherWidget

I fix it in next update

If the image is and https url, you need to enable unsecure certificates in Advanced settings

No, it is on the tablet itself

You have, I think your first, Google-review for the app :grinning:

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About that, YS forecast and KNMI haven’t support for icon, if you have any suggestions on how to fill the space…
Another things, weatherWidget for now show only limited values, i need to upgrade it

You need an url, if you put it in homey virtual camera device?
PS: you idea for sharing wifi password is very good!

PPS: Maybe i can add an ImageWidget with select an file image and save it in base64 for convenience

I am trying to add a virtual device in the SmartDash app.
In Homey I have 2 options for a virtual device:

  1. Homey virtal device (activated Homey experimental options)
  2. the Homey app “Virtual Devices”, where you can define device type and the capabilies of this virtual device.

The SmartDash app show these devices as a Generic Capability, but I can not select any of these capabilities, and that’s why I can not save this Generic Capability.

Has anyone been able to define a Homey virtual device? Case: I would like to turn on all lights (visible as a yellow lightbulb), but when one off the lights turns off, the lightbulb of the “turn all lights on” button has to turn black.

The widget name “Virtual button”, activating flow or reading variables is a bit confusing from a Homey user’s point of view.