[Pro][Dashboard] SmartDash - a dashboard for Homey

Exact. If the flow reset the variable or if you manual switch the panel the app resume is work.
In this way the app only need to know the variable to trigger


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Nah, I don’t think this will be a satisfying solution.

The system polls only every 5 seconds for the minimum. A flow in homey will change a value and it will take up to the polling time to have the screen react.

In most cases 5 seconds will be long to react on an alarm.

When the doorbell rings for example it take only 2 seconds to manual
do three clicks on the panel:

  • Disable screensaver
  • Click my camera icon
  • Click the image to refresh the screen to see who’s at the door.

(My homey flow rings a bell sound on my Sonos sound system and sends a push message to my phone with a screen shot of the doorbell camera). This message is quicker than the dashboard can update and I walk to the room the dashboard is in.

Most of my homey flows cause audible warnings on my Sonos system. (installed soundboard and I have a different beep for triggers) These warnings are sufficient. The only down part is I cannot directly see who’s at the door.

For me I am about to stop changing and modifying my dashboard layout. Solutions to have my dishwasher are way to advanced for a ‘regular’ user. To much programming involved for me. So I decided to leave the button as it is and have the remaining time shown even when the dishwasher is not switched on.

I am very satisfied the way the dashboard works at the moment. All the extra wishes are for geeky users like me. For standard users the basic system works fine.
(It would be nice if there were maybe some default CSS layouts to choose from)

My screens:
IMG_4855 klein
IMG_4854 klein
IMG_4853 klein

depends if the new panel does a direct refresh or not

How can it know if it only polls every 5 seconds to see if any homey updates are done.

The dashboard reads homey.
Homey doesn’t push to dashboard.

Yes, polling all data min 5sec (i don’t want to stress homey) but for trigger a single variable i can make a poll of 1sec.

I can work fine or not, need try for check if is a good solution

When a panel is opened; do you start to poll immediately or poll continues like set? So if poll is set to 60 seconds. Countdown is at 21, I change the panel (at 21 seconds) and info in the ‘new choosen’ panel refreshes after 39 seconds (60-21)?

Data polling are managed by a background process, when you show a panel it render with latest data (can be an old data, it depend on polling value set) and every time the data is updated, the current panel are refreshed.

In next update i force a data retrieve when panel change

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I would like to add a select with pre made css for every widget type

Could you give me a detailled example (with screens if possible) of how you managed to show a variable value on the SmartDash? The variable doesn’t show on my screen or I am too impatient (refresh interval 5 seconds).

You are referring to the variable for the JsonVariable widget?

Yes I am.

Try with a simple example:

in smartdash it render:

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v 0.240417.2

  • Forced poll at panel change

Thank you, now I understand.
Nice to have: just show the value of one variable without json or vaiabele title in front of the value.

You can use custom CSS for formatting the view:

.content .fl { display: none }
.content .fr { width: 100%; text-align: left }

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This json variable is a good solution for my dishwasher problem.

In homey I created a flow:

For every 1 minute →
when dishwasher is ON → set text- variable: “Dishwasher remaining + #remainingtime”
when dishwasher is OFF → set text- variable: “Dishwasher not running”

In homey the variable is displayed correct and updated correct.

But the NS PANEL Does’t display the text (variable) .

is a json the text variable? see previuos post and make sure you have added the quotation mark in key name.
The correct syntax is (if i understand the flow):

{ "nog": "76:00" }

I thought it would simply show the (homey) variable. Because I just want to show the one text variable.
I have changed the text into:

Scherm­afbeelding 2024-04-17 om 17.46.33
