[Pro][Dashboard] SmartDash - a dashboard for Homey

I still only have the option 23:00 as the latest time, doesn’t it needs a 0:00 also at the end of the time list? Makes more sense i think.

Or do I need to chose 0:00 - 0:00?

Yes it make more sense!

v 0.240416.3

  • Added 24:00 at screensaver

great, will test it tonight!

Can we get “refresingtime” option for iframe in screensaver like on normal iframe widget have? because it is not updating, only updated on restarting app.

The globe in the corner turns red every couple off days, I can stil control everything but nothing update on the display. Any idea what can be the problem?

Also is it possible to implement a future there you can change views from a flow In homey.

can you explain me better?

What is your homey? 23 or 16/19?

HP 23 with Ethernet adapter

Would like to have the homey change the dashboard if someone rang the doorbell or depending on other variables

I was also thinking about having this kind of option:

Let Homey control a widget or panel by making it turn on/off or active/inactive

Maybe it is possible to add a status (active/inactive). This status needs to be set with a variable in Homey. For instance: Panel1-active which can be set on 0 or 1. Or maybe in the case of panels to the panel number (1 - 6) and variable like: ActivePanel?

For this is in study/development a way for show a specific panel if an event is triggered.
For the globe color, now i release a fix, maybe there is a small bug

Maybe a flow that control the panel to show is the best solution.
@Kringloper could it solve your problem? @WillemG would it be okay for you?

v 0.240417.1

  • Added refresh option for iframe screensaver
  • Fixed the network status icon (maybe)

Not sure how the flow is supposed to work, because the panel is not a device within Homey.

Or, are you referring to a flow within Smartdash where you can define a condition at the widget/panel level. An option would be a condition widget, which you can place (hidden) on the panel you wish to show when it meets the condition. A simple way would be to react on a variable you’ve set within Homey. If the variable changed and gets a certain value the panel will be showed.

… and, I couldn’t update to the new versions (message: app is up to date). When I deselected the debug switch (off) and after the initiated app reload the message of the new version did again appear.
Don’t know if the latest was a test or stable version and if it only had to show the update message when debug was on or also when off. It also might be that the app reload made things work again. So just to mention the case, in case other users are experiencing the same.

The latest is the stable version, the test version for now is obsolete. For update disable test and check for the new version!

I should give the option to install the stable version if this is superior to the debug version

Yes, a solution can be define a Homey variable for forcing show panel. This variable can be manipulate direct from Homey flow: example, Numeric variable with the panel id to force show. Default is 0 (disabled), 1 is for panel #1 etc
In the app a section where you choose the variable that can be triggered.
If the variable switch from 0 to a number the app pause the screensaver and the autoswitch and show the panel in the variable. After some time or after clicking a button the variable is reset to default and screensaver and autoswitch restart


That we as user can control by making a flow to do this or do you mean nopt by flow or by … (?) I think by a user made flow is the best option.

I think it has to be on both situations.

  • if a condition is no longer met, for example within 2 minutes after the doorbell rings it should be possible to set the variable through Homey(flow) to 0 to resume the normal screensaver/auto switch routine.

  • if someone presses anything on the panel (or switches to a different panel), the variable should be set to 0 by Smartdash to be able to resume the normal screensaver/auto switch routine.

  • if someone presses anything on the panel (or switches to a different panel), the variable should be set to 0 by Smartdash to be able to resume the normal screensaver/auto switch routine.

Good point; when you choose a panel in the app, it should automatically set the variable on that panel.

The mentioned variable should not interfere with the normal routines and function nomally like; screensaver timer should start again from zero (bacause app is used) and auto switch routine should start with 0 again and then switch according to settings.