[Pro][Dashboard] SmartDash - a dashboard for Homey

Below you can see some of my SmartDash screens with an Italian sunny layout (for the Dutchies tomorrow: an “oranje” lay-out for kingsday :crown: :grinning:).
Suggestions are appreciated. Others could share their screens and ideas too.

Main screen (other screens for light and curtains are more of the same):

Using Homey RSS reader for the latest news:

Weather forecast, rain forecast and hay fever forecast:

Beautifull :slight_smile:
I like how everyone can customize the device to their own taste!

v 0.240426.1

My only issue with the current version is that when I do anything on the panel after it got automatic focus, is keep going to that panel even when I switched the panel.

It’s normal the feature to reset homey variable is disabled, for now you must use a button with flow for resetting it.
I have to rewrite several things to implement the timeout, I need some time to understand how to do it

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Testing the latest version of LightRGB with Govee led, which supports all color and hue options:

  • Setting up the led strip in Homey mobile app: all settings are synchronised to SmartDash and are executed as expected.
  • Setting up led strip from SmartDash: all changes are visable in Homey mobile app, but when changing color in SmartDash the leds go out. Changing the color again with Homey app: the leds in the right color are visible again. It seems that the color is alright but the visibility not (the light intensity and on/off switch remain unchanged in Homey app, also when leds are off chaging the color in SmartDash).
  • Hue and intensity seem to be alright.
  • Minor: the % seems to be a litte off in the widget (multiple formats tested, in this example 3x3)

I cannot test the other widget optimizations, because I don’t know what the optimizations are.

I have tried setting up a default panel with a variable and without automatic panel switch. I have setup the numeric variable with value 1 in Homey, so the first panel is visible. Going manually to another panel, SmartDash switches after 2 seconds automatically to the default panel. I would say: just set the default panel once a session and after starting up SmartDash app (when automatic panel switch is disabled).

Please read the above as thoughtful suggestions.

Can you take a screenshot of device on homey? And the capabilities list of device in SmartDash?

Yes, the formats need to be adjusted

I m now making my wall ready to install the NS Panel PRO finally. I still think though if the 120mm long one will have EU localization and allow for screen rotation (have it horizontal), that would make a lot of sense to me. Does anybody have it already?

As I have a small son who is inspecting everything and I do not want him to make changes to specific panels, like security, is passoword setup for individual widget or panel planned?

Also as I see the latest discussions with a lot of changes on the go, I suggest to add autoupdate feature on/off. I do not need updates if a version one year old does its job well. But i dont want to find out that an update broke something that was working and I didnt even need that update. And that may occasionaly happen


:joy: Password is for go in setting and for interact with widget, Probably a simple pin code

With nspanel is not mandatory to install the update with playstore and apple store you have to disable auto updating

Unfortunately I can’t do it from code, I think

Pin code will do tge trick

Temerature: when Homey app shows warm, SmartDash shows cold and vice versa.


SmartDash RGB Govee device

This is my mistake, i have flipped the gradient, others things are the same of virtual device

Probably a very basic question: where can I find the results of an activated debug option in SmartDash?
I see a performance decrease (understandable) when this option has been activated.

Debug log some data in devices setting.
Now it is used only for download a test version of app in ns panel. I remove it in next update for others devices!

v 0.240426.2

  • Fixed LightRGB temperature gradient inverted
  • Disabled debug log. In a future update i make a section for logging some params
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Love the new slider for temperature. Will you remake the color one to work the same way?

Otherwise the entire control seems to work as I’d expect. Great work.

Yes, of course!

Been playing around with it a bit and it’s working great. Now I have to start to get the looks the way I’d want - css here I come.

One think I noticed was that there’s quite a lot of dead space above and below the on/off bulb. Would it make sense to have an option to move this bulb up and let the sliders use the entire width of the widget?
So one line with build, color and temperature switches and one each for the two sliders.
Maybe it’s already possible through CSS?

Likewise, it would be great to be able to change or hide the text for the color and temperature switch controls - it’s quite clear from the icons what they do. Again, maybe there’s some CSS that would hide the text?