[Pro][Dashboard] SmartDash - a dashboard for Homey

Add only the url in iframe widget, should work

Edit, don’t work

Use this, has iframe support:

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(would make a nice screensaver)

you could also look at:


the only thing I didn’t found out is how to get the second one with CSS code in the url to get rid of the white border, only could make it transparent.

or Weerwidgets - gratis weer op je eigen site - Weerplaza.nl

What is in you opinion the best widget that present good weater data like rain on a city scale?

The buienradar widgets shows a hour before the current time so not usefull. Weerplaza doesn’t have this option it looks like. Meteox gives it in a timespan of 3 hour what is nice, but the design of the borders is not nice.

Use windy.com is another option

@diapolon the custom widget screensaver thing sounds interesting, is that possible?


3 hours in front

Ik gebruik de buitenradar app in Homey.

zit er wel eens langs, maar is beter dan niks

:+1: :+1: :pray:

i can add a new type in screensaver slide (iframe)

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Would it pe possible to stop the screensaver in the app by Fully Kiosk?

if you click the screensaver should be stop

v 0.240411.2

  • Rewrited icon picker
  • Fixed date format for dutch and french language
  • Fixed language at startup
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@Kringloper now we can talk about it

I’ve added my dishwasher to the screen to display the remaining time.
(genericCapability widget)

It displays the correct time remaining, but the CSS doesn’t take .on in consideration

I only want it to show the remaining time an the icon as on when the dishwasher is running (on).
When it is not washing (off) I want the icon to be black an the button to be transparent

the generic capability only use the capability that you have selected. They need a multi capabilities widget

Which one do you suggest ?

Unfortunately the only solution is to use two genericapability, one for time and one for status, the first remain with default color, the second you has the .on and you can manipulate it

EDIT i found a little CSS tricks for this

You need to create two genericcapability, the first is the status and the second is the time.
The two widget must be one after the other.
In the first, add this css rule:

.on + li .content {background: red !important}

With the magic command + you can select the next widget (li) and iteract with it

EDIT #2: a complete sample

If you whant hide the first widget, you can work in CSS panel.

If the panel is the #1 and the widgets are #9 (capability onoff dishwasher) and #10 (capability time dishwasher), you must:

In CSS panel settings add this:

.dashboard #widget_0_9 { display: none }

where 0 is the panel number and 9 is the position of the widget in list

In CSS widget 9 settings add this:

.on + li .content {background: red !important}

When the widget #9 has .on next widget (#10) has background red

I tryed and fully work!


Is it possible to have a tile that opens an app like Spotify?
